
Comprehensive Analysis and Selection of Flake Ice Machine

In the field of modern industry and food preservation, flake ice machine, as an important ice-making equipment, plays a vital role. Different types of flake ice machines, such as freshwater flake ice machine, seawater ship flake ice machine and seawater land flake ice machine, are favored because of their unique advantages and application scenarios. This article will introduce the working principle, main features and specific applications of these three flake ice machines in different fields in detail, to help you better understand and choose the ice-making equipment that best suits your needs. 1. Freshwater flake ice machine Freshwater flake ice machine is an ice-making equipment widely used in food preservation, industrial cooling and chemical processing. Its ice-making principle is to spray water on the surface of the cooling plate, quickly freeze the water into flake ice through the refrigerant in the cooling plate, and scrape the i […]


Cube ice machine: structure, principle, types and applications

The particle ice machine is a device specially used to produce particle ice cubes. Its basic structure mainly includes the following parts: Compressor: It is the core component of the particle ice machine and is responsible for compressing the refrigerant to produce a freezing effect. Evaporator: It converts water into ice by absorbing heat and is the main component of the ice machine to freeze water. Condenser: Cools the compressed refrigerant, usually by air cooling or water cooling. Ice storage bucket: It is used to store the produced particle ice and usually has a heat preservation function to maintain the quality of ice cubes. Control system: It includes electrical control and programming systems to monitor and adjust the entire ice making process. The working principle of the particle ice machine is based on the refrigeration cycle and the water freezing process. First, the compressor compresses the low-pressure refrigerant into a […]


Make You Know More About Direct Cooling Block Ice Machine!

Block ice machine is a common ice-making equipment, widely used in food preservation, cold chain transportation, industrial cooling and other fields. Block ice machine is mainly divided into two types: direct cooling block ice machine and brine block ice machine. This article will focus on the direct cooling block ice machine, and explore its working principle, advantages and disadvantages, and application in different fields. Direct cooling block ice machine makes ice by direct contact with refrigerant. This design eliminates the intermediate medium, making the heat exchange process more efficient. The working principle of direct cooling block ice machine is as follows: The refrigerant directly contacts the ice-making mold through the cooling pipe. Water is poured into the mold and freezes quickly under the action of the refrigerant. When the ice reaches the predetermined thickness, the refrigerant stops circulating, the mold is heated […]


The History and Future of Cold Storage

The development of cold storage can be traced back to the time when humans began to use natural ice and snow to preserve food. With the advancement of science and technology, cold storage technology has gradually evolved and has gone through several important stages. In ancient times, humans relied on natural ice and snow to preserve food. For example, ancient Chinese ice cellars used ice and snow collected in winter to store food, and ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome also had similar technologies. Although this method is simple, it is limited by climatic conditions and storage time. In the early 19th century, mechanical refrigeration technology began to appear, marking a revolutionary advancement in cold storage technology. In 1805, American Oliver Evans designed the first vapor compression refrigerator. Subsequently, John Gorrie of Britain and Carl von Linde of Germany successfully manufactured practical refrigera […]


Refrigeration System Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide

The refrigeration system is a general term for the equipment and pipelines through which the refrigerant flows, including compressors, condensers, throttling devices, evaporators, pipelines and auxiliary equipment. It is the main component system of air conditioning equipment, cooling and refrigeration equipment. The blockage failure of the refrigeration system has many forms such as ice blockage, dirty blockage and oil blockage. The unified fault characteristics of blockage are: the condenser is not hot when touched, the evaporator is not cold, the compressor operating current is smaller than normal, the pressure gauge is connected to the bypass charging valve, indicating negative pressure, the outdoor unit is running light, and there is no sound of liquid in the evaporator. Causes and fault phenomena of ice blockage The occurrence of ice blockage failure is mainly due to excessive moisture in the refrigeration system. With the continu […]


The Role of Flake Ice Machines in Food Preservation

In today’s ever-evolving food industry, where freshness and quality are paramount, the role of flake ice machines in food preservation cannot be overstated. These machines, with their remarkable ability to provide large contact areas and rapid cooling speeds, play a crucial role in preserving perishable goods, particularly seafood. Let’s delve deeper into the significance of flake ice machines and their impact on food preservation.   Food preservation has been a fundamental aspect of human civilization, dating back to ancient times when techniques like drying, salting, and fermentation were employed to prolong the shelf life of perishable items. However, with advancements in technology, modern methods of food preservation have emerged, offering more efficient and effective ways to maintain food freshness and quality. Among these methods, the use of flake ice machines stands out as a game-changer in the food industry. Fl […]


Focusun Tube Ice Machine: Innovating Ice Making Technology and Applications

As the beverage industry continues to evolve and consumer tastes shift, ice making technology is also constantly innovating and advancing. Among these innovations, the Focusun tube ice machine, as an emerging ice making equipment, is gradually attracting attention and application. This article will delve into the working principle, features, and applications of the Focusun tube ice machine in various fields, as well as its future development trends in the ice making technology sector. Working Principle of Focusun Tube Ice Machine The Focusun tube ice machine is a device that utilizes freezing technology to manufacture tube-shaped ice blocks. Its working principle mainly includes the following steps: Condensation Process: The tube ice machine is equipped with a condenser, which lowers the temperature inside the ice-making chamber to below freezing point through compression equipment such as a compressor, causing water inside the pipes to […]


Types of Commercial Ice Machines

In modern business and catering, keeping food and drinks cold is key to ensuring product quality and customer satisfaction. As an important equipment in this process, commercial ice making machines meet the ice making requirements of different places and needs with their high efficiency, stability and diversification. This article will introduce in detail different types of commercial ice machines and their application scenarios, such as pellet ice machines, tube ice machines, ball ice machines, bullet ice machines and snowflake ice machines. The granular ice machine cools and condenses water into fine granular ice cubes through the refrigeration system. This kind of ice cube is suitable for beverage preparation, food preservation and other fields. The advantage of the granular ice machine is that it makes ice quickly, the ice cubes are uniform in size and easy to melt, and can quickly reduce the temperature of food and beverages. In co […]


Multiple Applications of Block Ice

In modern industrial and agricultural fields, the application of block ice has become increasingly widespread. Large block ice is not only popular because of its large size and good cooling effect, but also because of its easy storage and transportation, it has become an indispensable part of many industries. Below, we will delve into the application of block ice in areas such as fishing boat processing and livestock cooling. In the fishing industry, block ice is vital to maintaining the freshness and quality of seafood. When large fishing boats go out to sea to catch fish, they often carry large amounts of ice to freeze captured fish, shrimp and other seafood in a timely manner. The rapid cooling effect of block ice can effectively prevent seafood from spoiling, extend its shelf life, and ensure that consumers can taste fresh and delicious seafood products. In addition, block ice also plays an important role in the processing workshops […]


Slurry Ice Machine: The New Star of Refrigeration Technology

With the continuous advancement of science and technology, refrigeration technology is also constantly developing. Among many refrigeration technologies, liquid ice machines have gradually emerged with their unique advantages and become a new star in the future refrigeration field. This article will introduce in detail the working principle, characteristics, application fields and future development prospects of the fluid ice machine. The liquid ice machine is a refrigeration equipment that uses special technology to quickly convert liquid water into liquid ice. Its working principle mainly includes the following steps: Water circulation: The liquid ice machine sends liquid water into the refrigeration system through a water pump to form a cycle. Rapid refrigeration: In the refrigeration system, the liquid water undergoes a rapid refrigeration process and the temperature drops rapidly. Formation of fluid ice: As the temperature decrease […]


Snow Flake Machine: The Essential Tool for Cooling Summer Days

In the scorching summer, chilled beverages become the top choice for seeking refreshment. At this time, the snow flake machine becomes the weapon of choice for many businesses and households. Not only can it produce finely textured, refreshing snow flake ice, but it also adds beauty and texture to beverages. The snow flake machine is a device that produces extremely thin ice flakes by turning water or juice into a slushy mixture similar to snowflakes. Its working principle involves high-speed rotating blades that shave ice cubes or ice block mixtures into extremely fine ice flakes, resulting in a light and soft texture. Snow flake machines have wide-ranging applications in both commercial and household settings. In commercial establishments such as coffee shops, beverage shops, dessert parlors, etc., snow flake machines are often used to make various snow-capped drinks, slushies, chilled beverages, etc., providing customers with cool en […]


High-efficiency Chiller Creates A Cool Workshop Environment

As summer approaches, high temperatures and intense heat have become a major challenge for many workshops and companies. In such an environment, how to create a comfortable and cool working environment for employees and improve work efficiency has become an issue that every business manager must consider. At this time, high-efficiency chillers become the ideal choice to solve this problem. As a professional refrigeration equipment, the working principle of the chiller is to transport cold water to the place that needs to be cooled through the circulation refrigeration system. Through the heat exchange between water and air, the heat in the workshop is taken away to achieve the cooling effect. . Compared with traditional fans and air conditioners, chillers have higher cooling efficiency and lower energy consumption, and are especially suitable for large-area, high-load cooling needs such as workshops. There are many advantages to using a […]


Vacuum Pre-cooling Machine: A Powerful Tool For Efficient Cooling

With the continuous advancement of science and technology, various efficient and energy-saving cooling equipment have gradually entered people’s field of vision. Among them, the vacuum precooling machine, with its unique vacuum precooling technology, has shown wide application prospects in agricultural products, food processing and other fields. This article will introduce in detail the working principle, application industry, advantages and disadvantages and future development of vacuum precooling machine, in order to provide readers with a comprehensive and in-depth understanding. 1. Working principle of vacuum precooling machine The vacuum precooling machine uses vacuum precooling technology to reduce the air pressure by extracting air and water vapor from the vacuum tank, thereby achieving rapid cooling of objects. In a low pressure environment, the boiling point of water decreases and the latent heat of evaporation increases, […]


Tube Ice Machine – Innovative Technology Leads The Cold Chain Industry

In the modern cold chain industry, tube ice machines are undoubtedly a key technology, providing reliable solutions to the refrigeration needs in the fields of food, medicine, and chemicals. As an efficient and energy-saving refrigeration equipment, the tube ice machine makes a positive contribution to the environmental load while maintaining product freshness and quality. This article will deeply explore the working principle, application fields and future development trends of tube ice machines. The tube ice machine is a device that uses cooling medium to circulate in the pipeline. Its basic working principle is similar to traditional refrigeration systems, but with higher efficiency and lower energy consumption. The low-temperature refrigerant is compressed into high-temperature and high-pressure gas through the compressor, and then cooled into a liquid through the condenser, and then cooled and decompressed through the expansion val […]


Plate Ice Machine: Innovation and Application of Refrigeration Technology

在现代冷链行业中,管冰机无疑是一项关键技术,为食品、医药和化工等领域的冷藏需求提供了可靠的解决方案。管冰机作为一种高效、节能的冷冻设备,在保持产品新鲜度和质量的同时,也对环境负荷做出了积极的贡献。本文将深入探讨管冰机的工作原理、应用领域以及未来发展趋势。 管冰机是一种利用冷却介质在管道内循环流动的设备。其基本工作原理类似于传统的制冷系统,但具有更高的效率和更低的能耗。通过压缩机将低温制冷剂压缩成高温高压气体,然后通过冷凝器使其冷却成液体,再通过膨胀阀降温和降压,最终进入蒸发器,在管道内循环流动,吸收热量并使管道表面结冰,从而实现冷藏效果。 管冰机在各个领域都有广泛的应用,主要包括以下几个方面: 食品冷藏:管冰机广泛应用于食品加工和存储行业,如冷冻肉类、水产品、果蔬等。其稳定的温度控制和高效的冷却能力,保证了食品的新鲜度和品质。 医药保鲜:在医药行业,管冰机被用于冷藏药品和生物制品,确保其在整个供应链中的稳定温度和质量。 化工工业:在化工领域,管冰机常用于冷却反应器和保持化学物质的稳定性。 超市冷藏展示:管冰机还被广泛应用于超市和商场的冷藏展示柜中,展示各种冷冻食品和冷饮。 随着科技的不断进步和环保意识的增强,管冰机在未来将呈现出以下几个发展趋势: 节能减排:未来的管冰机将更加注重节能减排,采用更环保的冷媒和高效的制冷技术,降低能耗和碳排放。 智能化管理:随着物联网和人工智能技术的发展,管冰机将实现远程监控和智能化管理,提高运行效率和故障预警能力。 多功能集成:未来的管冰机可能会与其他设备集成,实现多功能化,如冷热联合供应、热回收利用等,提高资源利用效率。 生物冷冻技术:随着生物技术的发展,管冰机将在生物冷冻领域发挥更重要的作用,为生物样本的冷藏和运输提供更可靠的解决方案。 综上所述,管冰机作为冷链行业的重要技术装备,不断推动着行业的发展和进步。未来随着科技的不断创新和应用场景的扩大,管冰机将继续发挥着重要的作用,为社会经济发展和人类生活提供更加可靠、高效的冷藏解决方案。


Ice Sheet Machine: Excellent Refrigeration Efficiency and Widespread Application

In modern society, refrigeration equipment has become an indispensable part of various industries. Among them, the ice flake machine, as an efficient and convenient refrigeration device, is highly regarded in many industries due to its exceptional cooling effect and widespread application areas. Especially in the field of seafood processing, the ice flake machine plays an irreplaceable role. Firstly, the ice flake machine is renowned for its outstanding cooling effect. Compared to traditional ice cubes, the ice flakes produced by the machine have a larger surface area, enabling them to absorb and dissipate heat more quickly. This means that within the same period of time, the ice flake machine can effectively lower the ambient temperature, providing a more suitable preservation environment for seafood. Additionally, the ice flake machine’s cooling effect is uniform and long-lasting, maintaining a low temperature for extended perio […]


Highly Efficient Direct Cooling Block Ice Machine

In modern life, refrigeration technology is increasingly becoming an indispensable part of people’s lives. As a high-efficiency refrigeration equipment, the direct cooling block ice machine can not only meet people’s cooling needs, but also has the advantages of energy saving and environmental protection. The following editor will discuss in depth the characteristics of the direct cooling block ice machine and its importance in daily life from the aspects of working principle, structural design and application scenarios. Direct cooling block ice machine is a device that adopts the principle of mechanical compression cycle refrigeration. It mainly consists of four main components: compressor, condenser, expansion valve and evaporator. When the block ice machine starts running, the compressor will suck in low-temperature and low-pressure steam, and then increase its temperature and pressure through compression. Then, the high- […]


Ice Machine With Great Potential – Slurry Ice Machine

With the rapid advancements in refrigeration technology, slurry ice machines are gradually emerging as a new benchmark in the refrigeration industry due to their exceptional cooling effects and wide range of applications. This innovative ice-making machine not only exhibits superior cooling performance but is also suitable for various settings such as seafood preservation, food processing, medical refrigeration, and many other industries, providing efficient and reliable refrigeration solutions. Utilizing advanced refrigeration technology, slurry ice machines precisely control the refrigeration process to rapidly transform liquid water into tiny ice crystal particles, creating slurry ice. This unique ice form offers remarkable cooling effects and fluidity. Compared to traditional ice cubes, slurry ice can penetrate the interior of cooled objects more quickly, achieving rapid and uniform temperature reduction. Additionally, its delicate […]


Direct Cooling Block Ice Machine

Direct cooling block ice machine, as a shining pearl in modern refrigeration technology, plays an irreplaceable role in many fields with its efficient, stable and reliable performance. This article will provide an in-depth explanation of the working principle of the direct cooling block ice machine and explore its wide range of application scenarios. The direct cooling block ice machine adopts a direct cooling refrigeration system, which uses the refrigerant to absorb heat in the evaporator to achieve a cooling effect. Its working principle is relatively simple but efficient, and mainly includes the steps of refrigerant circulation, evaporator cooling, ice forming and demoulding. The refrigerant circulates under the action of the compressor and absorbs heat from the environment when passing through the evaporator, causing the surface temperature of the evaporator to decrease. At the same time, the water source is evenly distributed on t […]


Vacuum precoolers: revolutionary equipment for the agricultural and food processing industries

In today’s fast-paced life, food preservation is a topic of great concern. As an important technology in the field of food preservation, vacuum precooling machine is widely used in the processing of fruits, vegetables, flowers and cooked foods. This article will delve into the application and significance of vacuum precoolers. Vacuum precooling machine is a device that uses a vacuum environment for cooling processing. The principle is to place the food or other items being processed in a vacuum state and use reduced pressure to quickly evaporate the water on the surface to achieve rapid cooling. Vacuum precooling machines can be divided into fruit, vegetable and flower vacuum precooling machines and cooked food vacuum precooling machines according to different needs. Vacuum pre-cooling machine for fruits, vegetables and flowers. In the fruit, vegetable and flower industry, maintaining the freshness and quality of products is cruci […]


Focusun flake ice machine and cold storage integrated machine

In today’s rapidly developing food, pharmaceutical and logistics industries, there is an increasingly urgent need for efficient and convenient refrigeration solutions. In order to meet this demand, we have launched a combination of flake ice machine and cold storage all-in-one machine, providing users with a new refrigeration experience. The flake ice machine, as one of the core equipment of this combination, is highly praised for its efficient production capacity and excellent flake ice quality. Using advanced refrigeration technology, it can quickly and continuously produce large quantities of high-quality flake ice. At the same time, the intelligent control system of the flake ice machine ensures the stability and reliability of production, providing users with a steady supply of flake ice. The integrated cold storage machine that works closely with the flake ice machine stands out for its powerful storage capacity and efficien […]


Cube Ice machine: A Powerful Assistant in Many Fields

In many fields such as catering, medical care, scientific research, etc., cube ice machines have become an indispensable equipment. With its efficient and convenient ice making method, this equipment provides a stable and reliable ice source for many industries, assisting the daily operations and development of various industries. 1. Structure and working principle of pellet ice machine Pellet ice machine is mainly composed of compressor, condenser, evaporator, ice mold and other parts. When the machine starts, the compressor starts to work, compressing the refrigerant into high-temperature and high-pressure gas, which then enters the condenser for cooling. The cooled refrigerant enters the evaporator, absorbs heat and produces a cooling effect. At this time, the water molecules in the ice mold condense into ice, eventually forming ice cubes. 2. Application fields of cube ice machine Catering industry: In the catering field, cube ice ma […]


Slurry Ice Machine: Injecting New Vitality Into Cold Chain Logistics

Slurry ice is made up of millions of ice “microcrystals.” Compared to other types of ice, ice particles are smaller in size and have a larger heat transfer area, so they cool faster. It is commonly used in a variety of industries such as the cooling and storage of fish, produce, poultry and other perishable products. The principle of the slurry ice machine is to quickly cool and convert liquid water into tiny ice crystals through a specific refrigeration system and process, and mix them with a small amount of aqueous solution to form the unique form of liquid ice. Here are the detailed steps on how a slurry ice machine works: Refrigerant cycle: The compressor in the refrigeration system sucks in low-temperature and low-pressure refrigerant gas and compresses it into high-temperature and high-pressure gas. Condenser cooling: The high-temperature and high-pressure refrigerant gas enters the condenser, and through contact with […]


Flake Ice Machine: Innovation in Food Preservation and Fishing Boat Processing Industry

In the modern food industry, the introduction of flake ice not only provides innovative solutions for food preservation, but also plays a key role in the fishing boat processing industry. This dual mission has brought revolutionary changes to the food industry, improving product quality, extending the shelf life of goods, and promoting the sustainable development of the entire industry. Flake ice plays a key role in food preservation. Its rapid cooling and even heat dissipation properties make it ideal for the food cold chain. Whether it is fresh produce, meat or cooked food, flake ice can effectively lower the temperature and delay the metabolic process of food, thus extending the shelf life of food. This is crucial to reducing food waste and improving food quality. In the fishing boat processing industry, flake ice provides an ideal solution for rapid cooling and preservation of seafood products. After fishing, the flake ice machine c […]


How to Extend The Service Life of Cold Storage?

With the advancement of science and technology, cold storage is increasingly used in food, medicine, chemical industry and other fields. However, many people may not know how to use cold storage to extend its service life. Today, the editor will introduce to you in detail how to extend the service life of cold storage. 1. Choose high-quality cold storage equipment. The quality of cold storage equipment directly affects the service life of the cold storage. Therefore, when choosing cold storage equipment, you should pay attention to the quality and performance of the equipment, and choose regular brands and quality-assured equipment. At the same time, during the installation process, ensure that the equipment is installed in accordance with specifications to avoid equipment damage or affecting the service life of the cold storage due to improper installation. 2. Regular maintenance. Regular maintenance of cold storage equipment is the ke […]


Concrete Cooling System Introduction

The concrete cooling system is a system designed to control concrete temperature, which plays an important role in construction and infrastructure projects. The temperature will increase during the process of hardening, which may lead to a series of problems, such as the formation of cracks and the reduction of concrete strength. To solve these problems, the concrete cooling system is widely used to ensure the quality and durability of concrete. The concrete cooling system is composed of cold water systems, shell ice system, automatic ice storage system, ice delivery system and weighing system. Next, the editor will introduce each system. Water chiller system: Water chillers can provide cold water and ice water with constant temperature, constant current, constant pressure. No matter how low the temperature of the water is, how large the cooling temperature difference is, and the level 1-4 cooling method can provide a complete set of co […]


Introduction of Different Condensers

A condenser is a device used to cool and condense gas or vapor, converting it into a liquid state. In refrigeration equipment such as ice machines, refrigeration equipment, and air conditioning systems, the condenser is an important component. Its basic principle is to cool gas or vapor to a liquid state by dissipating heat. There are three common condensers: air-cooled condenser, water-cooled condenser and evaporative condenser. These three types of condensers have obvious differences in working principles and performance. Air-cooled condenser is a refrigeration method that dissipates heat through air circulation. This type of condenser usually uses a built-in fan to draw air into the condenser to dissipate heat. The advantage of air-cooled condensers is that they are easy to install and require no additional water source. However, it may be less effective in high temperature environments as it relies on the cooling effect of the air. […]


The Difference Between Condensers

A condenser is a device used to cool and condense gas or vapor, converting it into a liquid state. In refrigeration equipment such as ice machines, refrigeration equipment, and air conditioning systems, the condenser is an important component. Its basic principle is to cool gas or vapor to a liquid state by dissipating heat. There are three common condensers: air-cooled condenser, water-cooled condenser and evaporative condenser. These three types of condensers have obvious differences in working principles and performance. Air-cooled condenser is a refrigeration method that dissipates heat through air circulation. This type of condenser usually uses a built-in fan to draw air into the condenser to dissipate heat. The advantage of air-cooled condensers is that they are easy to install and require no additional water source. However, it may be less effective in high temperature environments as it relies on the cooling effect of the air. […]


The Convenience and Benefits of Direct Cooling Block Ice Machines

With the continuous development of industrial and commercial fields, direct cooling block ice machines, as an advanced and efficient refrigeration equipment, have brought significant convenience and benefits to all walks of life. Different from household refrigeration equipment, direct-cooled block ice machines have higher production capacity and wider application range. Here are several major advantages it brings. Efficient cooling capacity: Direct cooling block ice machines are known for their powerful cooling capabilities. It uses advanced refrigeration technology to quickly cool water in a short time and form solid, transparent block ice. This makes it perform well under large-scale refrigeration needs and meets the high requirements for rapid refrigeration in industrial and commercial fields. High quality ice: Ice cubes produced by direct-cooled block ice machines generally have higher purity and longer shelf life. Since no additiv […]


Snowflake Ice Machine

With the arrival of summer, cool drinks have become an indispensable part of people’s lives. At this time, a modern snowflake ice maker became one of the popular kitchen appliances. This article will provide an in-depth introduction to the working principle, characteristics, and widespread applications of snowflake ice machines in daily life. A snowflake ice maker is a device that rapidly cools water molecules into snowflakes through an efficient refrigeration system. Its working principle mainly includes a refrigeration system, an ice scraping device, and an ice storage compartment. The refrigeration system circulates refrigerant, allowing water to quickly crystallize into snowflakes under the action of the ice scraping device, and then store it in a freezer for people to enjoy at any time. Advantages and characteristics: Quick ice making: The snowflake ice maker adopts advanced refrigeration technology, which can quickly cool wa […]


Some Knowledge About Ice Flake Machines

Ice flake machine is a widely used equipment in food processing, beverage production, laboratories, hospitals, and other fields, with its main function of producing flake ice. Sliced ice has the advantages of fast production speed, good cooling effect, and convenient hygiene, so it is widely used in various occasions that require cooling and freezing. The structure and working principle of the ice maker are relatively simple. It mainly consists of refrigeration system, ice making system, ice sheet output system, etc. The refrigeration system is the core part of the ice maker, which reduces the temperature of ice sheets through refrigerant circulation. The ice making system consists of a set of ice blades and a refrigeration plate. When the ice blades rotate, they cool the liquid on the refrigeration plate into flakes of ice. The ice sheet output system is responsible for outputting the prepared ice sheets to the designated location. The […]


Slurry Ice Machine: An Efficient Ice-making Solution

The slurry ice machine is an efficient, energy-saving and environmentally friendly ice-making equipment, which is widely used in food, chemical industry, medicine, aquatic products and other fields. This article will introduce in detail the characteristics, working principle, application fields and purchase suggestions of the slurry ice machine.   The working principle of the slurry ice machine is mainly to absorb heat in the evaporator through the refrigerant, causing water to freeze into ice. When the refrigerant evaporates, heat is absorbed and the water is cooled into ice. The ice cubes are transported to designated locations via conveyor belts or pipes. At the same time, the slurry ice machine also has an automatic defrosting function, which can regularly clean the frost layer in the evaporator to ensure ice making efficiency.   Characteristics of slurry ice machine Efficient ice making: The slurry ice machine adopts adva […]


The Most Complete Introduction to Water Chillers, Come and Collect It!

The chiller is a refrigeration device widely used in industrial, commercial, and residential settings, primarily functioning to lower temperatures through refrigerant cycles. With features like high efficiency, energy saving, and environmental friendliness, chillers have found applications in various domains. This article provides a comprehensive overview of chillers, covering their principles, structure, characteristics, and applications. Working Principle of Chillers The working principle of chillers is based on the refrigerant cycle, consisting of four key steps: compression, condensation, expansion, and evaporation. Details are as follows: Compression: The refrigerant is compressed into a high-pressure gas in the compressor, with a concurrent rise in temperature. Condensation: The high-pressure gas undergoes heat exchange with the surrounding air or water in the condenser, gradually condensing into a high-pressure liquid. Expansion: […]


Usage and Maintenance Strategy of Cold Storage in Different Seasons

As the seasons change, the usage and maintenance needs of cold storage also change accordingly. The temperature difference and humidity difference between winter and summer pose different challenges to the operation and maintenance of cold storage. In order to ensure the efficient operation of the cold storage and extend its service life, we need to take corresponding usage and maintenance measures based on the characteristics of these two seasons. Winter use and maintenance Energy saving control: In winter, the ambient temperature is low, and the energy consumption of cold storage is relatively low. However, it is still necessary to set the temperature reasonably to avoid excessive temperature fluctuations and maintain the quality of the items inside the cold storage. Insulation: Ensure that the cold storage door is well sealed to prevent the leakage of cold air. Regularly inspect the warehouse doors, door frames, and sealing strips, a […]


Focusun Refrigeration deciphers cooling measures for concrete mixing plants

In the hot summer, the continuous rise in temperature will bring huge challenges to summer construction. According to the “Notice on Strengthening Concrete Construction and Maintenance Work in Summer”, mandatory measures must be taken to control the temperature of concrete and the characteristics of the mixture in concrete mixing stations. Especially for temperature control, temperature detection and recording should be done well. During summer concrete construction, the exit temperature of concrete should not be higher than 35°C, and the temperature of concrete entering the mold should not be higher than 30°C. 86-year-old German Focusun Refrigeration Since its establishment in 1929, Germany’s Focusun Refrigeration Focusun has always been committed to providing leading technologies and services in the refrigeration industry and delivering the most appropriate solutions to customers. So far, Focusun Refrigeration has ma […]


How Much Do You Know About Water Chiller?

Water chiller is a refrigeration device that provides constant temperature, constant flow, and constant pressure cooling water. It absorbs indoor heat by circulating the refrigerant in the refrigeration system and releases the heat outdoors through the coolant. The working principle of water chiller is based on a refrigeration cycle, usually consisting of four main components, including a compressor, condenser, expansion valve, and evaporator. The following is a brief description of the working principle of the chiller: Compressor: The compressor is the core component of water chiller, responsible for compressing the refrigerant into high-temperature and high-pressure gas, and delivering it to the condenser. Condenser: The condenser is the second component of the refrigeration cycle, which converts high-temperature and high-pressure refrigerant into high-pressure liquid through cooling. The cooling method is usually achieved by dissipat […]


Why suggest you choose a big brand for ice machine?

As an essential kitchen appliance in modern homes, commercial places and industrial fields, ice makers provide us with a convenient ice making solution. However, when purchasing an ice machine, some consumers may consider choosing cheaper, smaller brand products to save money. However, choosing an ice maker from a big brand is a wiser decision in the long run. In this article, we will explain why we should choose an ice machine from a big brand in terms of its working principle, quality assurance and after-sales service.   Technology and performance Big brand ice machines often invest a lot of money in research and development, and have advanced technology and processes to ensure stable and reliable product performance. This means you can use your ice machine with confidence without having to worry about malfunctions or performance degradation at critical moments. On the contrary, ice machines of small brands may have some shortcom […]


Cube ice machine——The best choice for commercial ice machines

Cube ice machine is a piece of equipment specially used to produce granular ice cubes. It has wide applications in many fields, such as food, beverage, medical and other industries. Next, the editor will introduce the concept, advantages and application scenarios of the cube ice machine in detail to help everyone better understand this practical equipment.   The cube ice machine is an efficient and energy-saving ice-making equipment that uses advanced ice-making technology to quickly freeze water into ice cubes. This equipment comes in a variety of specifications and models to meet the needs of different occasions. Choosing a suitable cube ice machine mainly considers factors such as ice production capacity, ice cube size, and energy consumption.   Advantages of cube ice machine Easy to use: The cube ice machine is easy to operate. You only need to connect to the water source and power supply to automatically make ice. The ice […]


Ice Storage Facilities: A Crucial Tool in Refrigeration Technology

An ice storage facility is a facility specifically designed to store ice or refrigerant to provide refrigeration when needed. They are often An ice storage facility is a facility specifically designed to store ice or refrigerant to provide refrigeration when needed. They are often used in places that require large amounts of refrigeration, such as food processing plants, medical facilities, supermarkets, catering industries, etc. The following are some basic features and working principles of ice storage: Refrigeration principle: The basic principle of ice storage is to store cold energy in the ice storage by cooling the refrigerant (such as chilled water or specific chemicals) to extremely low temperatures. When cooling is required, the ice storage releases the stored cold energy to lower the temperature of the surrounding environment. Features: Refrigeration energy storage: The main function of the ice storage is to cool the refrigera […]


Cold Storage Development Trends and Applications in Future

As an important link in refrigerated logistics, cold storage has been widely used in food, medicine, chemical industry and other fields. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, cold storage management is facing many challenges and opportunities, and its development directions are becoming increasingly diversified. This article will start from the current status and problems of cold storage management, analyze the development trends and practical applications of cold storage in the future, in order to provide useful reference for related industries. Current status and problems of cold storage management At present, cold storage management mainly has the following problems: High energy consumption: The operation of cold storage requires a large amount of energy, such as electricity, gas, etc., especially when the refrigeration equipment is operated for a long time, the energy consumption is more serious. High operating […]


Is the ice produced by machine the same as naturally formed ice?

As is well known, ice can be formed in two ways, one through an ice maker, and the other under natural conditions. So, is the ice produced by the ice making mechanism the same as naturally formed ice? This article will analyze and compare from multiple perspectives. 1、 The difference between ice making mechanism ice and naturally formed ice An ice maker is a mechanical device that cools water below the freezing point through a refrigeration system, fixing water molecules together to form ice cubes. Compared to ice formed under natural conditions, ice produced by the ice making mechanism is more rapid, convenient, and controllable. Natural ice is formed by condensation of water vapor on the surface of an object under cold environmental conditions. It requires a certain amount of time and specific meteorological conditions to form, so it is relatively slow and unpredictable. Naturally formed ice typically has irregular shapes, and its tex […]


Vacuum Cooling Machine: An Efficient and Energy-saving Cooling Solution

As a critical cryogenic equipment in food, medicine, electronics and other fields, vacuum cooling machines have become an indispensable part of various cooling processes. The vacuum cooling machine provides an efficient and energy-saving cooling solution through its unique cooling method. This article will detail the working principle, characteristics, and application areas of the vacuum cooling machine, aiming to provide reference for readers in related fields.   Working Principle The vacuum cooling machine mainly utilizes the principle of rapid evaporation under vacuum conditions to cool objects. Specifically, the vacuum cooling machine consists of a vacuum pump, a refrigeration system, and a sealed container. In the sealed container, the refrigeration system cools the object to a set temperature through a refrigerant, and then the vacuum pump starts to work, removing the air inside the container and creating a low pressure envir […]


What does a concrete cooling system consist of? How it works

A concrete cooling system is composed of the following components and operates as follows: Water Source or Cooling Medium: The cooling system requires a cooling medium to reduce the temperature of the concrete. This can be cold water, a coolant, or another cooling medium. Water Pump: The water pump is used to transport the cooling medium from the water source to the concrete structure. These can be centrifugal pumps or other types of pumps, depending on the system’s design and requirements. Distribution System: This system is used to distribute the cooling medium within the concrete structure, typically achieved through a network of pipelines. Spray Nozzles or Pipes: Spray nozzles or pipes are responsible for evenly spraying or injecting the cooling medium onto the surface or inside of the concrete. This effectively absorbs heat, thereby reducing the concrete’s temperature. Temperature Monitoring System: This system typicall […]


Is There Really A Fully Automatic Ice Machine?

In the era of modern industrialization, ice machines have become indispensable equipment in catering, medicine, logistics and other industries. With the continuous development of technology, the functions of ice machines have also been continuously upgraded, and one of the most prominent features is fully automated operation. Our company’s ice making machine is one of the representative products. It realizes one-touch ice making, ice removal and ice pushing, which provides users with great convenience and also improves the production efficiency and use of ice cubes. Convenience.   The Focusun ice machine is an advanced ice-making equipment that adopts the latest ice-making technology and combines it with an intelligent control system to enable a fully automated ice-making process. It has efficient ice-making performance while ensuring the hygiene and safety of the ice-making process, and is suitable for many different occasio […]


Can the ice machine used for a long time?

Ice makers can usually operate continuously for a certain period of time, but it is not recommended to operate continuously for a long time. After each ice making process is completed, it usually requires a waiting time for the machine to cool down to ensure normal operation. The waiting time for the machine to shut down varies depending on the production capacity and model. Please consult the manufacturer for specific information. In addition, the working environment of the ice maker and the quality of the machine itself can also affect its performance and lifespan. The following are possible problems that may occur when the ice maker is used continuously for a long time, as well as precautions during use. Generally speaking, ice makers need to stop and wait for a period of time after each ice making process. If used continuously, the following problems may occur: 1. Overheating problem: Long term continuous operation can cause the ice […]


From Evaporative Cooling to Diversification: The Evolution of the Ice Machine

The history of ice-making machines dates back to the 19th century, evolving from initial experimental stages to becoming commercial and household appliances as technology advanced. Here are some key stages in the history of ice-making machines:   John Gorrie’s Ice Machine (1854): American inventor John Gorrie created the world’s first commercial ice-making machine, which utilized the principle of evaporative cooling to produce ice blocks. This invention drove the commercial production of ice and transformed food storage and transportation methods. Ammonia Refrigeration by Ferdinand Carré (1876): French engineer Ferdinand Carré invented the first refrigeration machine that used ammonia as a cooling agent, marking a significant breakthrough in cooling technology. The application of ammonia refrigeration contributed to further developments in ice-making machines. Carl von Linde’s Ice Machine (1880s): German engineer […]


The Gospel of Cooked Food Stores – Vacuum Pre Cooler

Many people who want to operate restaurants and food factories don’t know how to improve the shelf life of food. Most of them cool the food by air cooling, water cooling, ice cooling, etc., and then put it in the freezer and cold storage. Today, I would like to recommend a device for you, which can cool cooked food at 90°C to normal temperature 25°C in about 25 minutes, and below 10°C in 30 minutes. It can quickly pass through the high-speed breeding area of bacteria (30°C~60°C), control the increase of bacteria, and improve the hygiene and safety of food. This equipment is the cooked food vacuum pre-cooler, which is an indispensable food machinery equipment in developed countries such as Europe and the United States to solve the problem of high-temperature cooked food fresh-keeping packaging. Main function: remove the heat left by cooking food. Solving the problems of excessive bacteria, long time, and high energy consumption in […]


Can the ice machine be used continuously for a long time?

Ice machines can usually run continuously for a limited amount of time, but running them uninterrupted for long periods of time is not recommended. After each ice making is completed, it usually takes a waiting time for the ice machine to cool down, so as to ensure the normal operation in the future. The waiting time for the ice machine with different output and model is also different, please consult the manufacturer for details. . In addition, the working environment of the ice machine and the quality of the machine itself will also affect its performance and life. The following are the problems that may occur when the ice machine is used continuously for a long time, and the precautions during use. Generally speaking, the ice machine needs to be shut down and wait for a period of time after each ice making is finished. If it is used continuously, the following problems may occur: 1. Overheating problem: Continuous operation for a lon […]


Frequent problems with the ice machine? May be these reasons

During the use of the ice machine, various failures may occur. (The editor hereby reminds everyone that it is more reliable to choose some big brands for such large-scale mechanical equipment). If you have purchased an ice machine, but often cannot be turned on or there is a problem with the ice making process, you can refer to the following reasons to troubleshoot. 1. Poor manufacturing quality: Some ice makers may have flaws in the manufacturing process, which makes them prone to problems during use. This may involve aspects such as component design, material selection or manufacturing processes. 2. Improper use and maintenance: The ice machine needs to be used and maintained correctly in accordance with the instructions in the user manual. If the user uses or maintains the ice machine incorrectly, such as irregular cleaning, maintenance of parts, etc., it will easily lead to failure. 3. Environmental conditions: Ice machines usually […]


The most complete cube ice machine explanation!

In the hot summer, cold drinks have become the best choice for people to cool off. In milk tea shops, coffee shops and other beverage shops, the cube ice machine has become an important equipment, bringing people cool and refreshing drinks. Next, I will give you an in-depth understanding of this refrigeration equipment from the structure, principle, characteristics and application of cube ice machine.   First of all, cube ice machines are commercial ice machines. In addition to cube ice machines, other commercial ice machines include snowflake machines, shaving ice machines, bullet ice machines, lunar-shaped ice machines, spherical ice machines, and milk ice machines. Commercial cube ice machines are basically integrated, including compressors, condensing fans, microcomputer PC boards, etc.   Next, let’s take a look at the principle of the cube ice machine. In order to facilitate everyone’s understanding, we divide […]


How long will it take to buy an ice maker for milk tea business?

Purchasing an ice-making machine as part of a bubble tea business, the payback period depends on several factors. These factors include the price of the ice-making machine, the sales volume and profit margin of the bubble tea shop, the demand for ice products, and the operating costs. In this article, we will analyze these factors and discuss the payback period of purchasing the ice-making machine.   1, Ice-making machine price and model selection Firstly, one of the key factors in determining the payback period is the price of the ice-making machine. The price of ice-making machines varies depending on the brand, model, and production capacity. High-priced ice-making machines usually have higher production capacity and more advanced functions but may require a longer payback period. When purchasing an ice-making machine, it is recommended to choose a model that suits the scale and sales volume of the bubble tea shop. If the daily […]


What is the concrete cooling system? What does it do

Concrete cooling system is a kind of equipment or technology used to control the temperature of concrete. During concrete construction, temperature control is very important because high temperatures may cause problems such as premature drying, cracking or loss of strength of the concrete. The main objective of a concrete cooling system is to ensure the ideal conditions for hardening and strength development during construction by controlling the temperature of the concrete. Here are some common concrete cooling systems:   Cooling water system: This system uses cooling water to regulate the temperature of the concrete. Cooling water can be sprayed on the concrete surface through water pipes or spray system to absorb heat and reduce the temperature of concrete. Pre-cooling system: Before the concrete is put into use, use the pre-cooling system to cool down the raw materials. This can be achieved by cooling the aggregate, water or ad […]


The most romantic snow machine – Focusun snow falling machine

Walking in the snowy season is an excellent enjoyment, but unfortunately the reincarnation of the four seasons is an unstoppable natural phenomenon, so in the past people could only wait until winter to get this kind of enjoyment, but now Focusun makes snow falling machine allow people to enjoy the romance that can only be obtained in winter at any time.   Natural ingredients without any worries Focusun snow falling machine uses tap water as the main raw material, through compression refrigeration, supplemented by Focusun’s excellent snow flake clutch technology, to form artificial snow with a high degree of simulation. If the device is placed at an altitude of 3-5 meters, it can achieve the effect of natural snowflakes falling and flying all over the sky. This kind of artificial snow feels cold, looks like natural snow, and has the characteristics of light and flying snowflakes.   Easily make snow without fear of any en […]


Vacuum Precooler: Advanced Technology for Rapid Cooling and Preservation

Vacuum precooler is a kind of equipment used for rapid cooling and preservation of food. It lowers the temperature of food by reducing air pressure in a vacuum environment. The main principle of vacuum pre-cooling technology is to use the principle of evaporation and heat dissipation of water to achieve the effect of cooling by reducing the humidity and evaporation temperature of the food surface.   Vacuum pre-coolers are mainly divided into fruit, vegetable and flower vacuum pre-coolers and cooked food vacuum pre-coolers, and they will be introduced below: Fruit, vegetable and flower vacuum precooler: The fruit, vegetable and flower vacuum precooler is mainly used for cooling and preservation of fresh agricultural products such as fruits, vegetables and flowers. It quickly reduces the temperature of produce, extending its shelf life and reducing spoilage and quality loss. The vacuum precooler for fruits, vegetables and flowers usu […]


A good partner in fishery production——Flake ice machine

Flake ice machine is a kind of equipment specially used to make ice flakes. It uses refrigerant to quickly reduce the temperature of water and freeze it into ice sheets through a refrigeration cycle system. The flake ice machine has the characteristics of fast ice making, large-capacity storage, automatic control and various ice flake options. It is widely used in the catering industry for making iced drinks, juices, smoothies and refrigerated food. At the same time, it also plays an important role in household use, commercial places, medical institutions and refrigerated transportation. So, how much do you know about flake ice machines? First of all, flake ice machines can be divided into fresh water flake ice machines and sea water flake ice machines. The seawater flake ice machine is specially designed for marine ice-making operations to overcome seawater corrosion, pitching and swaying of ships and other characteristics. Among them, […]


Focusun Snow Maker – Specifically Designed for High-temperature Areas

High temperature snow maker is a new type of snowflake manufacturing equipment that can produce real snowflakes in high-temperature environments. The high-temperature snowmaker produced by Ferguson can work in a high temperature environment of 35 degrees Celsius, providing not only the needs of winter ski resorts, but also ice and snow entertainment projects for summer resorts, theme parks, etc. At the same time, we also provide rental services for high-temperature snowmaking equipment, providing customers with more flexible and customized snowflake manufacturing solutions. High temperature snow maker structure Container ice maker: With a snow production capacity of up to 100 cubic meters per day, it can produce snow indoors and outdoors. The snow is dry and soft, suitable for various snow activities. Container type automatic rake type ice storage: Fully automatic rake type ice storage, with functions such as automatic storage, leveling […]


How to choose cold storage? Let me tell you!

  Choosing cold storage depends on your specific needs and requirements. Here are some factors to consider when selecting cold storage: Temperature Range: Determine the temperature range you require for your products. Cold storage facilities offer different temperature zones, such as refrigerated (2-8°C), chilled (8-15°C), or frozen (-18°C and below). Ensure that the storage provider can maintain the desired temperature consistently. Capacity: Assess the amount of storage space you need. Consider both the current and future storage requirements of your products. Choose a facility that can accommodate your inventory volume and offers scalability options if your needs expand. Location: Consider the proximity of the cold storage facility to your business operations or distribution network. A convenient location can help reduce transportation costs and improve logistical efficiency. Also, assess the accessibility and transportation inf […]


Water chiller, you deserve it!

Water chiller is a refrigeration device that provides constant temperature, constant flow, and constant pressure cooling water. It absorbs indoor heat by circulating the refrigerant in the refrigeration system and releases the heat outdoors through the coolant. The working principle of a chiller is based on a refrigeration cycle, usually consisting of four main components, including a compressor, condenser, expansion valve, and evaporator. The following is a brief description of the working principle of the chiller: Compressor: The compressor is the core component of a chiller, responsible for compressing the refrigerant into high-temperature and high-pressure gas, and delivering it to the condenser. Condenser: The condenser is the second component of the refrigeration cycle, which converts high-temperature and high-pressure refrigerant into high-pressure liquid through cooling. The cooling method is usually achieved by dissipating heat […]


How to Improve Cold Storage Efficiency? Pay Attention to Maintenance and Cleaning

Cold storage is a device used for storing and preserving food, typically used in commercial and industrial settings. In order to ensure the normal operation and maintain hygiene of the cold storage, regular maintenance and cleaning are necessary. Next, the editor will introduce the maintenance and cleaning methods of cold storage, as well as the precautions during use. 1、 Maintenance methods for cold storage 1. Regularly clean the air filter. The air filter is an important component inside the cold storage, which can prevent dust and bacteria from entering the interior of the cold storage. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly clean and replace the air filter. 2. Check the sealing performance of the cold storage door. The cold storage door must be tightly closed to maintain the temperature inside the cold storage. If the door is poorly sealed, it will lead to an increase in temperature and affect the preservation effect of food. There […]


Hot selling cold storage! Do you want to know more?

Cold storage is a kind of refrigeration equipment, which refers to the use of artificial means to create an environment different from the outdoor temperature or humidity. It is also a constant temperature and humidity storage equipment for food, liquid, chemical, pharmaceutical, vaccine, scientific experiments and other items. Cold storage is usually located near the shipping port or the place of origin. The cold storage is mainly composed of several parts: the storage body, the refrigeration system, the cooling system, the control system and the auxiliary system. Compared with refrigerators, the cooling area is larger and has a common cooling principle. Cold storage can be divided into fresh storage, refrigeration storage, and quick-freezing storage according to the use. The temperature of the fresh-keeping storage is +3~+5°C, which is often used to keep vegetables and fruits fresh. The temperature of refrigeration storage is -20~-18° […]


How Much Do You Know About Water Chiller?

Water chiller is a refrigeration device that provides constant temperature, constant flow, and constant pressure cooling water. It absorbs indoor heat by circulating the refrigerant in the refrigeration system and releases the heat outdoors through the coolant. Water chiller is different from general water cooling equipment in that it has a completely independent refrigeration system that is never affected by gas temperature or the environment. The water temperature can be adjusted and controlled, thus achieving high-precision and high-efficiency temperature control. The water chiller is equipped with an independent water circulation system, and the water inside the chiller can be recycled to save a lot of water. The working principle of water chiller is based on a refrigeration cycle, usually consisting of four main components, including a compressor, condenser, expansion valve, and evaporator. The following is a brief description of t […]


Summer is here, do you want to build a summer resort?

Summer is approaching, today I will recommend a summer resort – Ice and Snow Park. In the ice and snow park, there are ski resorts, ice rinks, curling rinks, ice sculpture exhibition areas, snow falling areas, parent-child interaction areas, etc. Here, you can not only avoid the high heat, but also experience the fun of ice and snow. Focusun provides a complete set of indoor snow park construction services. In addition to the park construction, we can also provide services such as project background analysis, financial calculation, risk control and prevention. Next, I will give you a specific introduction to the construction of the project: Firstly, the project site selection is based on the principles of ecological and environmental protection, strong operability, venue safety, and there are many consumers in both the Eastern and Summer seasons; The site selection conditions are an area of 4000 square meters or more, with few ind […]


A New Favorite in the Ice Machine Industry – Slurry Ice Machine

The emergence of ice machines has brought many conveniences to life, but the variety of ice machines is limited and cannot meet the needs of all customers. Focusun, a leading ice maker brand with nearly a century of glorious history, continuously innovates and brings European products and lifestyles that are simple, environmentally friendly, and full of design to the Chinese market. This time, Focusun set off again with his newly developed product, the slurry Ice Machine, with a firm attitude towards the established goals. How much do you know about slurry ice? Slurry ice is an aqueous solution containing suspended ice crystal particles. Research has shown that the cooling energy of slurry ice is 4-8 times higher than that of cold seawater, and its cooling capacity is 1.8-4.3 times that of cooling water. When cooling aquatic products, slurry ice has a higher cooling rate compared to traditional flake ice, which means cooling fish of the […]


Ice machine science popularization: precautions and cleaning methods

Location: The ice maker should be placed in a well ventilated and temperature appropriate location, not in direct sunlight or near heat sources. Check the power supply: Check whether the power cord of the ice maker is grounded, whether the plug is secure, whether the wire is aging, and whether the power switch is normal. Operation method: Follow the instructions of the ice maker manual, do not overload, do not adjust the cooling temperature and ice making time arbitrarily, otherwise it will affect the lifespan and ice making effect of the machine. Attention to safety: The ice maker may generate high temperatures and pressures during operation. Do not open the machine or damage the sealing structure of the machine to avoid danger. Storage method: When not using the ice maker for a long time, the water tank should be emptied, the power cord should be unplugged, and a dry and ventilated environment should be maintained to avoid being affec […]


The most comprehensive cold storage installation guide!

1、 Installation requirements for assembled cold storage 1. Collect materials from the accessory warehouse according to the engineering design and construction material list, and carefully check the materials and accessory models. 2. Before installing the cold storage, check the quantity of cold storage boards according to the shipping list. When loading and unloading the warehouse board, handle it with care, and lay anti-scratch layers on each layer of the warehouse board and the ground joints. 3. When assembling the cold storage as a whole, there should be gaps between the cold storage and the wall and roof. The ground or bottom plate must be horizontal, and the construction environment should be clean. 4. Before fixing the interior of the library with angle aluminum, it should be sealed with glass glue, and then fixed with angle aluminum by solid pulling and mortising. The spacing between pull rivets is 300 mm. The distance between th […]


Amazing: The high-temperature snowmaking system reported by Xinhua News Agency

Focusun has always focused on how to produce snow that is close to natural snow, safe, non-toxic, low power consumption, and resistant to sliding and weathering. Through continuous efforts, high-temperature snow making system has been developed. Focusun’s high-temperature snow making equipment is not afraid of ambient temperature, air humidity, and inlet water temperature, breaking through the limitations of various environmental factors, and can make snow at a maximum temperature of 35 ℃. The snow produced is also easy to maintain its quality over a long period of time, and is resistant to sliding and weathering, making it more suitable for resisting sublimation and the impact of heat from light sources than natural snow. The high-temperature snow making system uses a ice flake crushing snow maker, using ice flakes as raw materials to make snow. The produced sheet ice is crushed into powder through an ice crushing device, and powdery i […]


How to Choose a Satisfactory Ice Machine?

Many people want to buy ice machines, but they don’t know how to choose. Today, I will show you how to choose a satisfactory ice maker. When purchasing an ice machine, the following aspects should be considered: 1. Type of ice: different types of ice machines produce different shapes of ice, so ice makers should be selected according to the use of ice. For example, flake ice has no sharp edges and corners, and will not damage the external surface of the frozen object, so it is mainly used in seafood, aquatic products, food processing, etc. 2. Capacity: according to the amount of ice required, select the appropriate size of ice machine specifications to prevent the production of ice cubes from being insufficient or causing unnecessary waste. 3. Energy efficiency: When selecting an ice maker, be sure to ask clearly about the energy efficiency of the ice maker. An ice maker with high energy efficiency will greatly reduce energy costs […]


Welfare of Supermarkets–Cube Ice Machine

There are many kinds of ice machines, and the most common one in daily life is cube ice machine. The cube ice machine is safe, efficient, energy-saving, durable and environmentally friendly. It is suitable for convenience store, cafe, milk tea shop, bar, banquet hall, fast food restaurants, and hotels. The shape of cube ice is square, and the size can be selected according to the needs. In addition to the cube ice machine, there are also options for snowflake ice machine, bullet ice machine and moon ice machine. Features of cube ice machine: 1. Adopt hot fluorine to doff ice, so the speed is fast. The whole ice-doffing process only takes 150-180 seconds; 2. Add the deicing drainage function, and drain the remaining water in the cold water tank instantaneously during deicing to make the ice cleaner and transparent; 3. The compressor imported from Europe and America has good performance, low noise and high reliability; 4. The machine head […]


Ice Crusher: Make Ice Machine More Popular

Today, we will introduce the ice crusher, which can turn ice into small ice particles to meet people’s needs. For example, you bought an ice breaker, but you want to use it to freeze and keep fresh food. However, large block ice can not be well contacted with seafood in a large area, which requires ice crushing. After being processed by the ice crusher, large pieces of ice can become fragmented ice. Working principle: The power supply drives the motor to run, and the rotating motor drives the blade to start rotating at high speed, thus turning the large block ice into clastic ice. Features of ice breaker:  1.High quality ice crusher meets different ice crushing requirements. 2.The ice cubes after secondary ice crushing are more widely used. 3.Modular design makes operation safer and faster. 4.Made by SUS304, the ice crushing process is sanitary and safe. Model selection: There are two common ice crusher, one is tube ice crusher, a […]


Efficient and Energy Saving Direct Cooling Block Ice Machine

In response to the national call for energy conservation and emission reduction, fully implement the new development concept, and highlight the corporate responsibility in promoting carbon peak and carbon neutralization, the ultra-low energy consumption ice maker came into being. Let’s learn about this direct cooling ice machine. Block ice is used for food processing, fishery production, cooling and preservation, factory cooling, etc. Block ice is divided into transparent ice and milky white ice, and transparent ice is mostly used for ice sculptures. Block ice plays an irreplaceable role in tropical areas. Under the same environmental conditions, block ice is not easy to melt and its storage life is relatively long; Large blocks of ice are very convenient in storage, handling and transportation, which is very important for small-scale fishing grounds and relatively remote areas. As a new type of ice machine, the direct cooling blo […]


Comparison between Water-cooling Condenser and Evaporative Condenser

In the design and manufacture of the ice machine, we will select the appropriate condenser according to the different use environment. For example, in cold areas in winter, we recommend using air-cooled or evaporative condensers to prevent frost cracking. Let’s learn about the difference between water-cooled condenser and evaporative condenser. Water-cooled condenser For the open cooling circulating water system, because the cooling water absorbs heat and contacts with the air, CO2 escapes into the air, and dissolved oxygen and turbidity in the water increase, causing four major problems in the cooling circulating water system: corrosion, scaling, bacteria and algae growth and sludge. Therefore, in areas with good water quality and low ambient temperature, we often use water cooling. Through the cooling tower, the temperature of the system will be reduced after water circulation, so as to realize the normal operation of the ice ma […]


Container Block Ice Machine: can be transferred

With the development of the refrigeration industry, when people choose refrigeration equipment, they not only consider the output, but also see whether the equipment is convenient to move – for example, there is no need to install the ice machine on site, or the work place is convenient to transfer. The emergence of container ice machine meets the needs of some customers. It does not need to be installed by yourself, which omits tedious installation steps, and the equipment is very convenient to move. Both brine cooling and direct cooling systems can be designed as container-type and installed in 20-foot and 40-foot containers that meet the international maritime transport standards. Users can choose the equipment according to their needs and site conditions. The specially made container is reinforced to prevent possible damage to the machine caused by the external environment, and can prevent sand, dust, rain and snow. Features o […]


A New Type Snow Machine: Can Fall Snow Like Natural Snow!

In recent years, snow falling machines have increasingly appeared in some ice and snow parks, and have been popular with tourists. Why is snow falling machine so popular? What is the difference between it and the ordinary snow machine? Firstly, the snow falling machine adopts excellent snowflake clutch technology to form artificial snow. Artificial snow feels cold and looks like natural snow. It can achieve the falling effect of natural snowflakes. Secondly, the snow falling machine adopts Freon compression direct cooling technology, which can make snow quickly and evenly without storing snow in advance. Comparing with other snow machine, snow falling machine is small, which can be easily suspended on the wall or roof. It can be integrated with the scene.  In addition, the falling snow machine will not be limited by the ambient temperature, inlet water temperature and air humidity. It can make snow stably in the four seasons. Lastly, th […]


A new generation of EU energy labels

By using less energy to perform the same task, we can make significant energy savings and reduce waste. This is the basic principle of energy efficiency, and it is one of the most essential ways for the EU to move away from fossil fuels and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Improving energy efficiency will benefit society by reducing emissions and our dependency on energy imports, while also lowering energy costs for citizens and businesses across the EU. The EU energy label The EU energy label is – together with minimum “ecodesign” requirements – a success story that has been key in boosting the energy efficiency of everyday electric appliances like lighting, heating, fridges, freezers and televisions, but also products like fuel boilers, tyres and air conditioners. Since its inception in 1994, EU energy labels have helped steer and guide consumers to choose products that use less energy and therefore, over the products life span, als […]


Cooling as a Service encourages new models for sustainable cooling

Cooling as a Service, an initiative aimed at scaling up clean and efficient cooling, has unveiled the winner of its Cooling as a Service (CaaS) Prize, aimed at stimulating new models for sustainable cooling, in what is set to become a $1.5 trillion market over the next 10 years. “Inexpensive cooling systems are cheap to buy but come with a plethora of hidden financial and environmental costs: high energy use, frequent breakdowns, and the use of harmful synthetic refrigerants,” said Thomas Motmans, sustainable energy financespecialist of BASE (The Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy), a Swiss not-for-profit foundation and specialised partner of United Nations Environment which is pioneering the CaaS model. “The climate emergency requires us to rethink our approach to cooling from the bottom up, to tackle emissions, cut waste and improve livelihoods – all while keeping costs low for end users. Fortunately, the Cooling as a Service busines […]


Artificial Snow 2-2

The Manufacturing Process The production of artificial snow requires a series of devices that can move water and air up the mountain, combine them with a nucleating material, and spray them into the air as small droplets. Typically, the system is installed during the summer months and operated at night after the slopes have closed. Installation of the system 1 Artificial snow making requires an entire system to be installed on the mountain slope. This system includes a series of water pipes, electric cables, pumps, and compressors in addition to the snow making machines. First, plans showing the layout of the system are drawn. Then the water pipes and cables are laid in long trenches traversing the entire slope. The trenches must be dug significantly deep so water does not freeze during the winter months. At various points along the water line, valves and hoses are installed to bring water to the surface. Hay bales are placed around the […]


Artificial Snow 1-2

Artificial snow is small particles of ice that are used to increase the amount of snow available for winter sports such as skiing or snow boarding. It is produced by a machine that uses a high-pressure pump to spray a mist of water into the cold air. The water droplets subsequently crystallize to form fake snow. The first commercially successful machines were developed in the 1950s and improvements in technology have steadily been introduced. With the increase in the popularity of winter sports, the artificial snow market is expected to show significant growth. Background The machines that produce artificial snow are designed to mimic the way that natural snow is made. In nature, snowflakes are formed when the temperature falls below 32° F (0° C). Atmospheric water then condenses on particles in the air and crystallizes. This action produces snowflakes that have a variety of sizes and shapes. In a snow machine, water is first mixed with […]


Focusun New System for Snowmaking

Using tap water as raw material, through compression refrigeration, combined with excellent Focusun snow clutch technology, Focusun snowmaker can produce artificial snow with a high degree of simulation of natural snow. If the device is placed 3-5 meters above the ground, you can achieve the effects of the snow flying in the sky. Different from the traditional man-made snow, this kind of artificial snow feels cold, very similar to natural snow, which can create an effect of light flying sense. Even in the hot summer in the south area, artificial snow created by Focusun machine can provide snow scene for the hot springs, snow-themed bar, cold steam rooms, discotheques, cafes, snow huts, animals venues, large gatherings, films and television shows, etc. where people can enjoy the snow fun from the art. Focusun artificial snow falling machine structure is compacted, modular designed, convenient to install. Just need to connect the power, w […]


Optimize Chillers with an Automatic Entering Condenser Water Temperature Reset Strategy

A chilled water plant’s annual operating cost is a major contributor to a facility budget. Typical chilled water plants consist of multiple chillers, cooling towers, chilled water pumps, condenser water pumps, plate heat exchangers and water treatment equipment. The chilled water is generated in the central plant and then transported through a piping network to cooling coils (air handlers) or to point of end-use in processes. Facility directors and energy managers are always chasing multiple goals – satisfying all the customers, maintaining a high level of reliability and minimizing energy spends with varying demand and weather. Therefore, many modern plants employ a good chiller optimization package such as Hudson Technologies’ SMARTenergy OPS® in conjunction with Building Automation Systems (BAS) to optimize the chiller plants.   Chiller Plant Efficiency Driven by Cooling Tower Management In a water-cooled chiller plant, co […]



Commercial refrigeration units are a business investment. Since these units cost thousands of dollars, keeping them in working order is a necessity to avoid costly and time-consuming replacements and new installations. In order to keep a commercial refrigerator running as it should, it’s important to implement regular maintenance. Many business owners can perform some of these tasks themselves, while others are more complicated and require the help of a professional. In order to ensure a unit works as it should, it should be installed correctly and placed in such a way that any fans aren’t covered. Improper installation or placement can lead to failure, even with regular maintenance. At least every three months, the unit should be visually inspected to see if there are any visible issues. Are there puddles of water inside or around the unit? Is there a buildup of ice, or is a fan not spinning properly? If so, any of these issues will ne […]


Water to Ice: How an Ice Machine Works

There was a time when a chilled drink and refrigerated food storage were the domain of cold climates and winter days. Since Boston businessman Frederick Tudor decided in 1806 to sell blocks of ice pulled from the surfaces of New England ponds, large parts of the world have come to rely on ice as a year-round staple and dining requirement. Over a couple of centuries and some years since then, we’ve moved from fickle, hard-to-store, and sometimes dirty natural ice to cubes, flakes, and nuggets produced by ice machines. Though the process is a little less organic now, at its heart it’s no less simple than combining cold and water. Still, some steps in making ice are still a mystery even to those who have been dealing with a commercial ice maker for years. So, let’s look inside the machinery and inside the process. The Refrigeration System in a Commercial Ice Machine The heart of every commercial ice machine is a refrigeration system simila […]


Tips to keep your walk-in freezer for a long time

Walk-in freezers are essential to service businesses all across the world. As a store owner or manager, your primary goal is to maintain your machine to run efficiently for a long period. Therefore, it is important that you understand exactly what will help maintain your commercial walk-in freezers; extending its life significantly. In this article, we’ll take a look at eight tips that will help prolong the life of your walk-in freezer. Let’s get started. Check often for evidence that your doors are sealing tightly. To test the seal of your door, simply close the door on a piece of paper and attempt to pull the paper out. If you feel resistance, your door has an excellent Clean the interior of your walk-in freezer. A simple solution of mild soap and warm water will be more than sufficient if done on a regular basis. Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the finish over time. Some chemicals can remove oils from galvanized steel. Wh […]


New Technology For Snow parks

Ever wondered how snow parks work during the four seasons? Do you think snow parks are limited to cold places only? Is artificial snow is limited to a small area only? Focusun now can give full solutions to make snow parks for both kids and adults, a variety of solutions to comply with different weather conditions, and both indoor and outdoor systems. For indoor systems, Focusun offers its new technology providing scenery snow falling machine for snow parks and ice museum. This machine can work in small, medium and big locations with ambient degree up to +35°C, so it will not matter which season is it. Now with new FAS-650G and FAS-1300G, one unit can cover up to 40m2 and what’s more important is with artificial snow that has no different than the real snow. These machines freeze water into thin ice then the ice will be crushed into small sizes with the help of ice crushing and pumping system, then the air conveying system transpo […]


Focusun in Canton Autumn Fair 2019

Welcome to visit our booth, you will be able to see several machines while running.


Advantages of Filtering the Water Used for Your Ice Machine

One of the best things you can do at your restaurant or foodservice operation to improve the quality of your offerings and avoid having to call for frequent repairs is filtering the water you use in your ice machine. This might seem like an overstatement, but it’s true—using a water filter in conjunction with your ice machine provides cleaner, better-tasting water and will make it less likely that you’ll need to call in for ice machine repair in Eugene, OR. Here’s an overview of how filtered water makes a difference. The benefits of water filtering Many restaurant owners are under the impression that, if their restaurant is connected to a municipal water system, they don’t have to worry about doing any filtering, because the municipality in charge of that water is already doing everything it can to clear it and make it safe for drinking. However, even after the water in a municipal system has gone through these processes, there will sti […]


Is Refrigeration Automation The Next Big Thing For IoT?

As we throttle toward the end of this decade and into the future, the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to become more and more ubiquitous in our daily lives. On smaller scales, we see it in our homes with products that now merge thermostats with home security, or allow us to order items from Amazon through voice-activation. On a massive scale, we see it in the near-full automation of some global supply chains. And right in the middle of those ends of the spectrum, we’re starting to see it become standard practice in the one place we spend most of our time: the workplace.   In particular, the HVAC/Refrigeration industries are beginning to catch up to the times and see the benefit of automating the operations that they can. Lighting, heating systems, and refrigeration systems can all stand to be improved either through incorporation into a Building Management System or equipped with their specific controls and automation tools. &nb […]


Is R22 still the best option?

R-22, also known as Freon, has historically been one of the most common refrigerants used in air conditioning units and other cooling applications. However, its use has been steadily getting phased out since 2010 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) due to some of the negative effects it has been shown to have on the earth’s ozone layer. Since that time, there has been a massive reduction in how much R-22 is being produced in the United States, leading to a significant increase in the cost of R-22 for homeowners. By 2020, R-22 will no longer be produced or imported in the United States at all, which means homeowners who have older AC units that rely on that coolant will likely need to upgrade to a new unit. Therefore, if you are still using R-22 as your primary refrigerant for your commercial HVAC in Eugene, OR, it’s time to start preparing for the full phase-out, which is less than two years away. How do I know if my HVAC […]


Commitment To Natural Refrigerants

In Commercial Refrigeration Equipment commercial refrigeration equipment natural refrigerants are non-synthetic substances which can be used as cooling agents in commercial refrigeration equipment and air conditioners. These include naturally occurring substances like water, air, CO2, ammonia, and hydrocarbons like propane, butane, and cyclopentane. While they have been used for years as refrigerants they are only just now beginning to replace synthetic refrigerants in commercial refrigeration equipment. Why Natural Refrigerants For Commercial Refrigeration Equipment? While the Montreal Protocol addressed ozone-depleting refrigerants like HCFCs and CFCs, it failed to address the global warming potential of the proposed substitutes like HFCs. Increasing scientific evidence has also shown that HFCs had huge potential to contribute to the greenhouse gas problem. So replacing HCFCs and CFCs with HFCs only displaced the problem. The only rea […]



  Commercial Walk-In Coolers for SaleProper walk-in cooler insulation helps your cooler maintain the proper temperature and keeps your inventory safe and stable. The last thing a business owner wants to deal with is needless expenses from inefficient walk-in operations. Without proper insulation, cool air is able to escape from your walk-in and warm air is able to penetrate it – causing fluctuating temperatures and humidity levels. Keeping temperatures stable and secure also helps your inventory stay fresh longer and lowers supply costs. Insulation is required for almost all walk-in coolers. The only time a walk-in does not require insulation is when it is installed on ground level cement with no other rooms underneath it. Things To Consider When It Comes To Flooring MOISTURE If your walk-in cooler is installed above another room, insulation is necessary to avoid condensation build-up in the material between the two rooms. Condensa […]


Diiferent Types of Ice

Ice machines have a way to go before they catch up with nature, as far as the different kinds of ice they offer. Scientists say there are 17 different forms of natural ice. There are only six basic types of ice created from ice machines! Ice makes refreshing drinks so much better, and can also help offices, healthcare facilities, and factories provide fun and delicious perk. For the millions of people who enjoy crunching on ice, the various options include some that cater to that particular pleasure. 1-Flake Ice Small, hard bits of ice ideal for preserving food on display, such as produce, meat, and seafood, is called “flake ice.” This type of ice consistently maintains food hydration for longer periods of time than other alternatives. Anytime perishable food is being transported, flake ice is best. It is also perfect for making blended drinks and for use at a bakery and deli as well as food retail. Flake ice 2-Crescent Cubes & othe […]


The process of removing heat from an enclosed space or from a substance

Refrigeration, the process of removing heat from an enclosed space or from a substance for the purpose of lowering the temperature. Refrigeration aids wine clarification in several ways. Temperature reduction often prevents both yeast growth and the evolution… In the industrialized nations and affluent regions in the developing world, refrigeration is chiefly used to store foodstuffs at low temperatures, thus inhibiting the destructive action of bacteria, yeast, and mold. Many perishable products can be frozen, permitting them to be kept for months and even years with little loss in nutrition or flavor or change in appearance. Air-conditioning, the use of refrigeration for comfort cooling, has also become widespread in more developed nations. Before mechanical refrigeration systems were introduced, ancient peoples, including the Greeks and Romans, cooled their food with ice transported from the mountains. Wealthy families made use of sn […]


What size of Walk-in cold room do yhou need?

  The use of refrigerator-based equipment is a requirement of all food service operations–large or small–almost without exception. And being of such common occurrence, it’s normal to take such equipment for granted. However, like many other aspects of foodservice equipment, there’s always an opportunity to learn more about the use and function of refrigeration. Try to answer the following questions: * Does a refrigeration system pump cold air into a unit to lower the temperature of the food therein? Or, does it extract the heat from the food to lower its temperature? * What is the correct temperature for holding refrigerated meats, vegetables, beverages, etc.? * How long should it take to reduce cooked product temperatures from 140[degrees]F to below 40[degrees]F? * Based on meal volume, what size in cubic feet should a raw bulk storage cooler be? * Is a water-cooled refrigeration system faster than an air-c […]


Snowmaking is the production of snow by forcing water and pressurized air through a “snow gun,” also known as a “snow cannon.” Snowmaking is mainly used at ski resorts to supplement natural snow. This allows ski resorts to improve the reliability of their snow cover and to extend their ski seasons from late autumn to early spring. Indoor ski slopes often use snowmaking. They can generally do so year-round as they have a climate-controlled environment. The use of snowmaking machines is becoming increasingly common as changing weather patterns and the rising popularity of indoor ski resorts create a demand for snow beyond that which is provided by nature. Snowmaking machines have addressed the shortage in the supply of snow, however, there are significant environmental and cultural costs associated with the artificial production of snow. According to the European Environment Agency, the length of snow seasons in th […]


Applications of Refrigeration

What is Refrigeration? Refrigeration deals with the cooling of bodies or fluids to temperatures lower than those of surroundings. This involves the absorption of heat at a lower temperature and rejection to a higher temperature of the surroundings.   In olden days, the main purpose of refrigeration was to produce ice, which was used for cooling beverages, food preservation, and refrigerated transport, etc. Nowadays refrigeration and air conditioning find so many applications that they have become very essential for mankind, and without refrigeration and air conditioning, the basic fabric of the society will be adversely affected. Refrigeration and air conditioning are generally treated in a single subject due to the fact that one of the most important applications of refrigeration is in cooling and dehumidification as required for summer air conditioning. Of course, refrigeration is required for many applications other than air con […]


Coil and Condenser Landscape Changes in Response to Demand Efficiency

Technology, and market desire influence trends Demand is changing the landscape of coils and condensers in the HVAC industry. Efficiency demands are on the rise, refrigerant demands are changing, and market demands are adjusting to a global cooling market and its varying technology. It is in this environment that coils and condensers are progressing.   COIL CHANGES Some of the major coil changes that have occurred over the last decade have come from solving a problem. For instance, many manufacturers have added an epoxy coating to reduce the occurrence of the odor issue known as dirty sock syndrome. Trane Hyperion Air Handler. PROBLEM-SOLVING: Major coil changes that have occurred over the last decade have come from solving a problem, like factory-issued, epoxy-coated coils — found in the Trane® Hyperion air handlers — that reduce the occurrence of the odor issue known as dirty sock syndrome. “Assuring the product is installed with […]


Eid Mubarak

Focusun wishes all Muslims around the world a happy and blessed Eid Al-Fitr. We wish you a happy vacation and may these wonderful days brings happiness towards you and your family. Eid Mubarak,


Advantages of Having a Blast Freezer.

Food products require a lot of care. The food products should be stored with proper care. It is important that there is adequate cold storage for the food. All of the food businesses have refrigeration appliances to make sure that their food products are safe and fresh for use. The large food businesses need to have large stocks of food products at all times. Food products can only be stored if there are heavy duty refrigeration appliances available. To make sure that the food products are kept fresh, they need to be stored at the temperature of +68 C and +8 C for as little time as possible. The decreased temperature will result in decreased growth of the bacteria. The food is spoiled by the growth of the microorganisms such as the bacteria. Blast chillers: The food products can be frozen and chilled by using the freezers or the blast chillers. The blast chilling is an excellent way of making sure that the food products are not kept at […]


History of Ice Making

In 1842 John Gorrie created a system capable of refrigerating water to produce ice. Although it was a commercial failure, it inspired scientists and inventors around the world. France’s Ferdinand Carre was one of the inspired and he created an ice producing system that was simpler and smaller than that of Gorrie. During the Civil War, cities such as New Orleans could no longer get ice from New England via the coastal ice trade. Carre’s refrigeration system became the solution to New Orleans ice problems and by 1865 the city had three of Carre’s machines.[13] In 1867, in San Antonio, Texas, a French immigrant named Andrew Muhl built an ice-making machine to help service the expanding beef industry before moving it to Waco in 1871. In 1873, the patent for this machine was contracted by the Columbus Iron Works, a company acquired by the W.C. Bradley Co., which went on to produce the first commercial ice-makers in the US. By the 1870s brewe […]



For food and beverage processing facilities, the industrial refrigeration system is key to operations. It can also be the key investment and factor in a facility’s operational efficiency and ongoing costs for maintenance and energy use. Being environmentally responsible is becoming more important for industries across the board, and in recent years, the field of industrial refrigeration engineering has seen an array of advances in more efficient equipment and more sustainable refrigerants. However, in much of the industry, engineering practices that have been the industry standard for years are slowing the adoption and use of these new technologies. By employing older, typical engineering approaches in the design of new systems, production facilities are not only unnecessarily wasting energy and resources, which also impacts the environment, but these businesses that rely on refrigeration are wasting their cold hard cash. Table 1. Assum […]


Newly Identified Green Material for Refrigeration

Researchers from the UK and Spain have identified an eco-friendly solid that could replace the inefficient and polluting gases used in most refrigerators and air conditioners. When put under pressure, plastic crystals of neopentylglycol yield huge cooling effects—enough that they are competitive with conventional coolants. In addition, the material is inexpensive, widely available and functions at close to room temperature. Details are published in the journal Nature Communications. The gases currently used in the vast majority of refrigerators and air conditioners —hydrofluorocarbons and hydrocarbons (HFCs and HCs)—are toxic and flammable. When they leak into the air, they also contribute to global warming. “Refrigerators and air conditioners based on HFCs and HCs are also relatively inefficient,” said Dr. Xavier Moya, from the University of Cambridge, who led the research with Professor Josep Lluís Tamarit, from the Univer […]


Focusun Successfully participated in 2019 batch of China Refrigeration Expo in Shanghai.

In the booth, Focusun displayed tube ice machine, flake ice machine, cube ice machine, ice packaging machine, automatic block ice machine Can’t wait to meet you in Wuhan, China 2020!


Announcement: Canton Fair 2019

Focusun gladly shares the news of participating in the upcoming Canton Fair in Guangzhou Location: China Import Export (No. 380, Middle Yuejiang Road, Haizhu District). 15-19 April 2019 Booth: 14.3F16


New system for transparent block ice machine

Focusun transparent block ice machine adopts new technology which can be widely applied to producing various kinds of ice sculptures, enjoying better and faster refrigeration effect. The integrated and modular unit ensures that it’s easy to ship, move and install on the spot. the machine can make up to 2 block ice per batch 1 batch lasts around 72 to 96 hrs. based on the thickness of the ice block. the ice block produced by the direct system is 100% transparent compared to the brine system. Making of transparent ice block using direct system: Adding Water to the tank   Adding water circulation system   Lifting the ice block after freezing                                                                


Cold Rooms 101

The use of refrigerator-based equipment is a requirement of all food service operations–large or small–almost without exception. And being of such common occurrence, it’s normal to take such equipment for granted. However, like many other aspects of food service equipment, there’s always an opportunity to learn more about the use and function of refrigeration. Try to answer the following questions: * Does a refrigeration system pump cold air into a unit to lower the temperature of the food therein? Or, does it extract the heat from the food to lower its temperature? * What is the correct temperature for holding refrigerated meats, vegetables, beverages, etc.? * How long should it take to reduce cooked product temperatures from 140[degrees]F to below 40[degrees]F? * Based on meal volume, what size in cubic feet should a raw bulk storage cooler be? * Is a water-cooled refrigeration system faster than an air-cooled […]


Developments in food refrigeration

Refrigeration is a vital part of modern food production. Without a means to cool and keep food cold, the quality and safety of food would be compromised and the sophisticated cold chain we are used to would not be possible. The whole food chain is underpinned by refrigeration from primary food processing through storage, transport, retail and domestic refrigeration in consumers’ homes. Refrigerants Refrigeration systems using a working fluid or ‘refrigerant’ were invented in the early 1800s. These early systems used air, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide or ammonia as the refrigerating fluid. Such systems were superseded in the 1930s by CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons) that quickly became the dominant refrigerants as they were then considered to be efficient, cheap, non-flammable and non-toxic. In the 1970s it was realized that CFCs were responsible for damaging the ozone layer and in 1989 the Montreal Protocol agreed on a phase-out of CFCs. Thi […]


Newly Discovered Material Expected to Change Cooling Industry

Refrigeration and air conditioning may become more efficient and environmentally friendly thanks to the patent-pending work of LSU physicists. The team of researchers led by LSU Physics Professor Shane Stadler has discovered a breakthrough magnetocaloric material that may change the energy industry, including air conditioning and food refrigeration. “The world refrigeration market is expected to increase by about $7-8 billion by 2018,” Stadler said. Therefore, his breakthrough has a significant economic impact as well as an impact on the energy industry and environment. Stadler’s research focuses on the next generation of magnetic cooling technologies, which are simpler in design, quieter and more environmentally friendly than conventional compressed-gas systems currently used. “LSU’s basic research into low-temperature physics and materials science has potential applications in areas related to energy, ele […]


Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Focusun Wishes you abundance, hope, peace and a festive holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!


Focusun 101

Focusun™ Refrigeration Corporation is the most reliable company in the field of ice machines and cold storage rooms, offering over 11.000 units to five continents. Focusun™ work towards making refrigeration solutions easier, with professional technical engineering teams, who are aware of all the new technology related to refrigeration. Basic Facts: Founded in 1945 Headquarter in Frankfurt, China headquarters in Shanghai, Factory in Jiangsu Today over 500 staff members, one of the leading and largest ice machine producer in the world. Specialized in: All types of ice machines with different capacities. Water chillers Ice packing machines Ice storage systems and cold storage rooms Vacuum coolers Concrete cooling systems Mine cooling Snowmaking machines   Products Features: Safety comes first: which means no matter which machine, they are all safe to use and operate. The home of quality: it is always better to explain the high price o […]


Solar-powered Containerized Cold Storage Rooms

The purpose: In countries where the Sun is shining half of the day or more, especially in developing countries where a stable electricity isn’t always assured,  lack of cold storage. The solution is green Focusun offers portable, walk-in cold rooms that work exclusively on solar energy. This reliable system is especially fit for remote locations, disaster-stricken areas or regions without a steady power grid. Smart cooling solutions mobile cold rooms have high insulation values and are manufactured according to world standards. The solar panels are connected with a system that stores extra solar energy for the night times. This smart cooling solution is eco-friendly, has low running costs and requires low maintenance. Technical information Measurements: A 40 feet or 20 feet shipping container with solar panels on top. Choice between cooling (0,5 / 5 ˚C) or freezing capacities (-24 /-18˚C). Products stay 24/7 cool or frozen, becaus […]


History of Ice Machines

The first ever patent for an Ice Machine was granted to John Gorrie in 1851 after he had perfected his 1842 invention of a system that was able to chill water to produce ice. However, his plan to manufacture the machine for the general public was thwarted by a smear campaign led by Frederic Tudor, and the death of his partner. He died four years later in 1855, humiliated and financially ruined. He lays buried in Apalachicola, at Gorrie Square, and his original machine and plans are held at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Alexander Twining also received a patent for an Ice Making Machine in 1853. His experiments led to the first commercial refrigeration system in the USA (1856) and he also established the first practical method for bulk producing ice by artificial means. Professor Jürgen Hans also experimented with ice creation and in 1929 he successfully developed a machine that was capable of making ice that was edible. H […]


Making the Case for CO2 Refrigeration in Warm Climates

  For a decade or more, the potential of CO2 in supermarket refrigeration has been recognized in Northern Europe. Thanks to its unique properties, notably the high heat transfer coefficients and the low sensitivity to pressure losses, CO2 delivers high performance in supermarket applications.   In warmer climates, the advantages of CO2 in food retail applications have been disputed. In recent years, however, the interest from forward-thinking retailers has fueled the invention of new technologies that make transcritical CO2 systems in warmer climates both viable and profitable. New technologies are rapidly emerging as highly energy-efficient solutions that help retailers reduce complexity and meet current and future regulation on traditional refrigerants. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of different solutions for CO2 refrigeration in warmer climates – from basic cascade systems to the advanced ejector techno […]


Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Compressor Type

Advantages and disadvantages of any compressor are based on its characteristics and application. Advantages and disadvantages listed below are for a typical compressed air system in an industrial plant. The estimated full‐load bhp requirement of each compressor type at 100 psig discharge pressure at the compressor, a main drive motor typical efficiency of 92 percent and 0.746 kilowatts (kW)/bhp, the approximate operating costs of operation are obtained. Single‐Acting, Air‐Cooled Reciprocating Air Compressors Advantages include Small size and weight Generally, can be located close to point‐of‐use avoiding lengthy piping runs and pressure drops Do not require separate cooling systems Simple maintenance procedures. Disadvantages include: Lubricant carryover as piston rings wear, which should be avoided Relatively high noise Relatively high cost of compression Generally, are designed to run not more than 50 percent of the time, although som […]


How Solar Cells Work

You’ve probably seen calculators with solar cells — devices that never need batteries and in some cases, don’t even have an off button. As long as there’s enough light, they seem to work forever. You may also have seen larger solar panels, perhaps on emergency road signs, call boxes, buoys and even in parking lots to power the lights. Although these larger panels aren’t as common as solar-powered calculators, they’re out there and not that hard to spot if you know where to look. In fact, photovoltaics — which were once used almost exclusively in space, powering satellites’ electrical systems as far back as 1958 — are being used more and more in less exotic ways. The technology continues to pop up in new devices all the time, from sunglasses to electric vehicle charging stations. The hope for a “solar revolution” has been floating around for decades — the idea that o […]


History of refrigeration

In the 1800s natural refrigeration was a vibrant part of the economy. Natural ice harvested from the pristine rivers and lakes of the northern United States, particularly those in New England, was in demand. Harvested ice was stored in large quantities in ice houses and covered with sawdust for insulation. Later, merchants loaded the ice in sailing ships as ballast. Again, the ice was covered with sawdust. Ice was delivered to as far away as India, where it was welcomed, and to England, where interest was low. The supply of harvested ice was erratic, depending on the weather where it was harvested. During the 1800s many mechanical-type refrigeration systems were being invented and used refrigerants such as sulfur dioxide, methyl chloride, ether, carbon dioxide, as well as wine, brandy, vinegar, etc. The early refrigeration systems designed between 1850 and 1920 produced ice year-round to compete with harvested ice. The harvested ice pro […]


World Refrigeration Day announced as June 26

Industry trade associations and professional bodies from across the globe have come together to establish June 26 as World Refrigeration Day, which will be celebrated the world over as an annual event. The entire worldwide industry is encouraged to take the opportunity to promote the significant role of refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps in the well-being of mankind. It is intended that World Refrigeration Day will serve as a means of raising awareness and understanding to the general public of the significant role that the industry and its technology play in modern life and society, with RACHP and HVACR organizations and professionals around the world undertaking a range of activities. The term ‘refrigeration’ here is being used in its widest sense as the process of achieving and maintaining a required temperature below that of its surroundings. An example of refrigeration is the preservation and distribution of perishable […]


Magnetic cooling enables efficient, ‘green’ refrigeration

Magnetic cooling is a promising new refrigeration technology boasting several advantages – ranging from lower energy consumption to eliminating the use of hazardous fluids – that combine to make it a much more environmentally friendly option than today’s standard fluid-compression form of refrigeration. One novel magnetic cooling approach, developed by a team of Canadian-Bulgarian researchers, relies on solid magnetic substances called magnetocaloric materials to act as the refrigerant in miniaturized magnetic refrigerators. As the team describes in the journal Applied Physics Letters, from AIP Publishing, these materials are the key to the development of a “green” cooling technology whose efficiency is able to scale directly with the generated magnetocaloric effect. The magnetocaloric effect is “the thermal response of a magnetic material to the change of an external magnetic field, which manifests as a change i […]


Happy Dragon Boat Festival day

Focusun wishes all the friends and customers around the world a happy dragon festival day. Have a nice vacation.


Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Market to Reach $61 Billion by 2021

According to a new report from Zion Market Research, global demand for commercial refrigeration equipment was valued at USD 36.63 billion in 2015 and is expected to generate revenue of $61 billion by the end of 2021, up from a value of $36.6 billion in 2015 for a compound annual growth rate of slightly above 9.0 percent between 2016 and 2021. Commercial refrigeration equipment in the report is defined as equipment used for refrigeration in food and beverage industry, for food storage and merchandising purposes by the food wholesale industry, such as supermarkets, specialty food stores, grocery stores, and convenience stores. A commercial refrigerator is a free-standing part of the equipment that gives cold storage for a commercial kitchen. Some of the different types of commercial refrigeration include reach-in refrigerators and freezers, walk-in refrigerators and freezers, under counter refrigerators, refrigerated merchandisers, bar re […]


Ramadan Kareem

Focusun would like to wish all the Muslims around the world a happy and blessed Ramadan As you fast and offers prayers to Allah, may you find your peace and happiness. Ramadan Kareem


Compressors 101

A compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume. An air compressor is a specific type of gas compressor. Compressors are similar to pumps: both increase the pressure on a fluid and both can transport the fluid through a pipe. As gases are compressible, the compressor also reduces the volume of a gas. Liquids are relatively incompressible; while some can be compressed, the main action of a pump is to pressurize and transport liquids. Types of compressors The main and important types of gas compressors are illustrated and discussed below:   Positive displacement Positive displacement compressor means a system which compresses the air by the displacement of a mechanical linkage reducing the volume (since the reduction in volume due to a piston in thermodynamics is considered as the positive displacement of the piston).   Reciprocating compressors Reciprocating compressors use pistons driven b […]


Benefits and Advantages of Thermostatic Expansion Valves Versus Other Throttling Devices

Thermostatic expansion valves (TXVs) are one of the most common types of adjustable orifice throttling device in air conditioning and refrigeration systems worldwide. They earned this place by being both efficient and affordable. But how do TXVs compare to other throttling devices? Fixed orifice devices like capillary tubes or pistons are cheaper and electronic expansion valves (EEVs) offer greater superheat control across a large load range, so why are TXVs so popular? Fixed Versus fixed orifices: orifice devices are ideal throttling devices if conditions never change. If the load on the system is constant and the ambient temperature remains steady, then a simple capillary tube or piston would be preferable to an adjustable orifice device like a TXV. However, outside of a laboratory, static conditions are simply not realistic. Seasonal temperature changes have a profound effect on system performance, as does increaseing the heat load i […]


Energy Efficient Hydrocarbon Ice Makers

For the commercial food service and related industries – which rely daily on large quantities of ice for food displays, safety, preparation, beverages and more – the ability to reliably and cost-effectively produce ice can have an impact on a business’ operation. Between 2005 and 2010, Manitowoc Ice, Inc., the Wisconsin-based manufacturer of commercial ice machines, became interested in taking their product portfolio one step further and turned to Danfoss with the idea to design an ice machine that would improve customers’ sustainability efforts by operating on natural refrigerants. The collaboration with Danfoss led to the development of two new models within Manitowoc’s Indigo Series and two Q-Series under-counter units that are cooled by R290, or propane, which Manitowoc introduced in mid-2011. The use of an environmentally friendly hydrocarbon refrigerant enables Manitowoc to offer customers a product that has zero ozone depletion p […]


Meeting Safety Requirements in Industrial Refrigeration

Modern industrial production, storage, and distribution would be impossible without the extensive use of refrigeration. Ammonia (NH3) has long been the prevalent refrigerant in industrial refrigeration due to its high degree of efficiency, low environmental impact, and affordability. Ammonia is commonly used in food processing facilities, dairies, breweries, meat processing plants and cold storage warehouses, where a large cooling demand is required. Ammonia is a cost-effective and efficient refrigerant. The only drawback is its classification as a poisonous refrigerant that in case of leakage can be harmful to personnel and the food items that the refrigeration system was designed to protect. The risk of leaks arises from many different sources, ranging from inadequate operating procedures or lack of training to failures in piping, welds or poor maintenance. Due to its classification as a poisonous gas, design, construction and operati […]


Happy Xmas and a happy new year.

We, at Focusun, would like to extend our gratitude to our friends all over the world, We wish you and your beloved ones a blessed vacation and a happy Xmas and a happy new year.  


How to keep your ice clean

When making or handling ice, the below precautions should be taken. Do not store anything but ice in the ice machine storage bin so that there is no potential for contamination. Not even the scoop. Always be sure to wash your hands before handling ice or utensils that touch the ice. Only use the handle of the scoop when retrieving ice. Never handle ice with bare hands. The scoop should be kept outside of the bin in a sanitary location between uses. Employees should never use the cup or glass for customer use as a scoop. Never put ice that is unused back into the ice holding bin. Instead, discard it and start with fresh ice. All ice handling equipment such as scoops should be washed daily in the kitchen dishwasher and sanitized properly according to health department standards. If you need to store some ice outside of the bin, make use of dedicated containers that are labelled “Ice only” so that they are only used for that purpose. These […]


Ice Cubes as clear as crystal from Impure Water

An ice cube machine does not freeze ice like an ice tray. Take a look at an ice cube from an ice tray and you will see a cloudy area in the centre. Then take a look at an ice cube made from a machine. You will see that it is clear all the way through. This is what allows it to make clean ice with dirty water. Here’s how. First, only pure water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Impure water freezes at lower temperatures. The water around the outside of the cube is exposed to the coldest first and starts to freeze. The pure water freezes around the outside and pushes the minerals towards the middle. The mineral-laden water in the middle freezes last, making the cloudy ball in the middle of an ice tray made the ice cube. But the ice cube machine makes ice without the cloudy middle. How Ice Cubes Machines Avoid Freezing Impure Water An ice cube tray holds the water in place. The pure water freezes first and then the impure water freez […]


Condensers 101

Condenser, a device for reducing a gas or vapour to a liquid. Condensers are employed in power plants to condense exhaust steam from turbines and in refrigeration plants to condense refrigerant vapours, such as ammonia and fluorinated hydrocarbons. The petroleum and chemical industries employ condensers for the condensation of hydrocarbons and other chemical vapours. In distilling operations, the device in which the vapour is transformed to a liquid state is called a condenser. All condensers operate by removing heat from the gas or vapour; once sufficient heat is eliminated, liquefaction occurs. For some applications, all that is necessary is to pass the gas through a long tube (usually arranged in a coil or other compact shape) to permit heat to escape into the surrounding air. A heat-conductive metal, such as copper, is commonly used to transport the vapour. A condenser’s efficiency is often enhanced by attaching fins (i.e., flat she […]


Global Applications and Impact of Refrigeration

Today, there are around 2 billion household refrigerators and over 40 million square meters of cold-storage facilities operating worldwide. In the U.S. alone, over 8 million refrigerators are sold each year. Beyond our homes, restaurants, and supermarkets, refrigeration has global applications with a positive impact upon the economy, technology, social dynamics, health, and the environment. Global Economic Applications The refrigeration industry employs more than 2 million people worldwide, especially in the service sectors. Refrigeration is necessary for the implementation of many current or future energy sources (hydrogen liquefying for alternative fuels in the automotive industry and thermonuclear fusion production for the alternative energy industries). The petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries also need refrigeration, as it is used to control and moderate many types of reactions. Heat pumps, operating based on refrigeration p […]


US Commercial Refrigeration to Grow at 3.2% CAGR to 2025

There is growing demand for frozen and chilled products, expansion of cold chain capacity, technological advancements. The U.S. commercial refrigeration systems market is projected to expand at a healthy compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.2 percent in terms of value through 2025, according to a report from Future Market Insights. Commercial refrigeration systems are mainly used in hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores, warehouses and distribution centers, the foodservice industry, and food and beverage production units. These systems include products such as ice machines, vending machines, beverage refrigeration equipment, refrigerated display cases, trailers, trucks, containers, and walk-in and reach-in refrigerators. Growing demand for frozen and chilled products, expansion of cold chain capacity, technological advancements in commercial refrigeration systems, and rebates for energy-efficient products and practices are s […]



Refrigeration, the process of removing heat from an enclosed space or from a substance for the purpose of lowering the temperature. In the industrialized nations and affluent regions in the developing world, refrigeration is chiefly used to store foodstuffs at low temperatures, thus inhibiting the destructive action of bacteria, yeast, and mold. Many perishable products can be frozen, permitting them to be kept for months and even years with little loss in nutrition or flavor or change in appearance. Air-conditioning, the use of refrigeration for comfort cooling, has also become widespread in more developed nations. Before mechanical refrigeration systems were introduced, ancient peoples, including the Greeks and Romans, cooled their food with ice transported from the mountains. Wealthy families made use of snow cellars, pits that were dug into the ground and insulated with wood and straw, to store the ice. In this manner, packed snow a […]


Solar power applications on Cold storage

Fishermen in Somalia which is located on the in the east of Africa, have no electricity. But for the past year they have been able to store their fish on cold rooms: Four cold storage rooms, powered by nothing but the scorching sun, with a capacity of storing 30 ton of fish per day. There’s a global scramble to drive down emissions of carbon dioxide: the electricity to power just refrigerators in the U.S. contributes 102 million tons annually. Solar refrigeration can also be inexpensive and it would give the electric grid much-needed relief. Electricity demand peaks on hot summer days—150 gigawatts more in summer than winter in the U.S. (A gigawatt equals one billion watts.) That’s almost 1.5 times the generating capacity of all the coal-fired power plants west of the Mississippi River. Further, solar is plentiful. The solar energy hitting 54 square feet (five square meters) of land each year is the equivalent of all the ele […]


Focusun Depends only on the best compressors around the world.

BITZER US, Inc. is a subsidiary of Germany-based BITZER SE, the world’s largest independent manufacturer of AC and refrigeration compressors with sales companies and production sites for reciprocating, screw and scroll compressors, as well as pressure vessels all over the globe. Headquartered outside Atlanta and with three manufacturing plants in the U.S., BITZER US is well positioned in 2016 to continue its extraordinary growth in an industry that demands quiet, high-efficiency products and “green” solutions. Peter Narreau, president of BITZER US, Inc, states, “BITZER has met the challenge of providing the market both high-efficiency compressors in addition to those that use natural refrigerants.” BITZER’s OEM customer base in the U.S. includes manufacturers of liquid and air-cooled AC chillers, modular and process chillers, commercial rooftop units, supermarket mechanical rooms (racks), condensing units, ultra-low temp units, commerci […]


Cold Room 101

Refrigeration is important for maintaining a proper, unbroken cold chain. Using dairy as an example, after the cows are milked, their milk is pasteurized and rapidly chilled. Once the milk has been chilled, it must be maintained at that low temperature from the farm to the grocery store, including during bottling and shipping. If the cold chain is broken, bacteria or fungus can grow, making the food unsafe for human consumption. The United States Department of Agriculture requires that business-owned refrigeration systems have an internal temperature of 40°F or below for refrigerated food and 0°F for frozen food1. Businesses operating refrigerators or freezers above these temperatures face fines and other penalties, so maintaining a reliable temperature is imperative. One of the most popular types of business-owned refrigeration systems is the cold room. Cold rooms are staples of restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, and any other place th […]


Focusun Ice Machines, your best choice.

Ice Machines For Your Restaurant Commercial ice makers are used predominantly in hospitals, food service industries, restaurants, bars, and nightclubs to produce ice for consumption and preservation. They consist mainly of a refrigeration system, a water supply, and a collection bin. Commercial ice maker basics In general, there are two main types of ice makers you can choose from: •Cubers – These are the most common ice makers for commercial use – 80% of all ice machines in the US create ice in cube form. Cuber ice makers are popular in restaurants, bars, hotels, convenience stores, and fast food franchises. •Flakers – This type of ice is easy to pack and mold to any shape. Flakers are the ice makers of choice for hospitals, health care facilities, and research laboratories. They are also used frequently in grocery shops for packing produce, seafood, and meat displays, restaurants to keep salad bar items fresh, and on fishing boats. A […]


Ice Machines Preventive Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance (PM) is the key to maximum running efficiency, less downtime, and longer life out of an ice machine. The primary items for an ice machine PM check are as follows: Clean and sanitize the water system. Clean air filters on air-cooled models. Check external filter system and change cartridges as needed. Check inlet water valve screens. Conduct bearing and auger inspection on extruded ice makers. Conduct a visual inspection of components, controls, and wiring for oil spots, loose wires, loose fasteners, corrosion, etc. Clean the bin interior and unit exterior. Clean and Sanitize As ice forms on an ice machine evaporator plate, a separation occurs. Minerals separate from the water and form scale which sticks to the surfaces of the water system components. This scale will be more visible when the surfaces are dry. The color of the scale will vary due to the type of minerals in the local water supply. As an example, lime […]


Compressors 101

Pumps Versus Compressors Some people say that compressors are simply pumps that pump gas. This may be true to some extent, but significant differences exist between them. First, let’s explore the similarities. They both have positive displacement and dynamic designs capable of satisfying a broad range of flow and head requirements. Reciprocating pumps and compressors are both used for low-flow, high-head applications; centrifugal pumps and compressors are used for high flow, low-head applications and screw pumps and compressors are used for mid-flow, mid-head applications. As with pumps, multistaging can be used with any of these compressor designs whenever higher heads are required.  Both pumps and compressors use seals, bearings, lubrications systems and some type of driver. This is where the similarities end. The T-Word (Thermodynamics) The key difference between pumps and compressors is related to the thermodynamic nature of g […]


How to choose the proper ice machine

If you are in a business that relies on ice, you no doubt need an ice machine to make ice for you. However, the type of ice machine that is right for your business will vary greatly depending on what exactly you’re serving. There are several different types of ice machines and each produces a different kind of ice. If you are serving iced drinks, mixed drinks, or bagging ice to be sold or dispensed, then you will probably need a cubed ice machine. This type of machine is perfect for bars, bagging facilities, and many restaurants. Ice-o-Matic, Manitowoc, and Hoshizaki, and Scotsman all make variations of these machines. All of these produce the rhomboid ice cubes found in most bars and restaurants, with the exception of Hoshizaki’s cube, which is round. These type of ice machines offer a higher water to ice ratio, allowing for a slower melt, decreasing production. Another good choice for those in the bar or restaurant industr […]


R20 vs R404A: do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

According to a publication of the ‘Improving Cold Storage Equipment in Europe’ (ICE-E) project deliverables, the use of ammonia in cold stores and food processing industry applications is growing in Europe, however, the use of R404A is still quite common. In North America on the other hand, the use of ammonia is predominant, at least in large cold stores. The two refrigerants can be considered almost equivalent in terms of relationship saturation temperature/pressure, volumetric cooling capacity, thermodynamic efficiency of the reference ideal cycle. With this in mind, the “Refrigerants” information document of the ICE-E Info Pack, looks at other criteria like refrigerant cost, leakage detection, environmental compatibility or refrigerant compatibility with materials to analyze the main advantages and disadvantages of R404A and R717. Advantages of ammonia over R404A The advantages of ammonia, when compared to R404A, are cost, heat trans […]


How to determine which capacity to choose

When deciding which ice machine will be best for your needs, it is important to consider the application of the ice produced and determine the amount of ice needed. It is important to consider your ice demand during both high and low seasons, ensuring that you are never with a surplus of unusable ice or without ice in a peak season. The table below gives a good representation of ice usage estimates based on the industry your ice machine is needed for. Type of Operation Usage Food Service Restaurant 1.5 lbs. Per Person Bar/Cocktail 3.5 lbs. Per Seat Salad Bar 40 lbs. Per Cubic Foot Fast Food 5 oz. Per 7 – 10 oz. Drink 8 oz. Per 12 – 16 oz. Drink 12 oz. Per 18 – 24 oz. Drink Lodging Guest Ice 5 lbs. Per Room Restaurant 1.5 lbs. Per Seat Cocktail 3 lbs. Per Seat Catering 1 lb. Per Person Convenience Store/ Supermarket Self-Serve Beverage 6 oz. Per 12 oz. Drink 10 oz. Per 20 oz. Drink 16 oz. Per 32 oz. Drink Bagged Ice Pounds Per Bag X Bags […]


Ice Making: Then & Now

There was a time when a chilled drink and refrigerated food storage were the domain of cold climates and winter days. Since Boston businessman Frederick Tudor decided in 1806 to sell blocks of ice pulled from the surfaces of New England ponds, large parts of the world have come to rely on ice as a year-round staple and dining requirement. Over the couple centuries and some years since then, we’ve moved from fickle, hard-to-store, and sometimes dirty natural ice to cubes, flakes, and nuggets produced by ice machines. Though the process is a little less organic now, at its heart it’s no less simple than combining cold and water. Still, some steps in making ice are still a mystery even to those who have been dealing with a commercial ice maker for years. So, let’s look at the machinery and inside the process. The Refrigeration System in a Commercial Ice Machine The heart of every commercial ice machine is a refrigeration system similar to […]


Refrigeration, Yesterday and Today

  REFRIGERATION     The preservation of winter ice, principally for cooling drinks in summer, was practiced from antiquity when ice was stored in insulated caves. Ice cooling was so popular in America that, within a decade of the Revolution, the United States led the world in both the production and consumption of ice. As the use of ice was extended to the preservation of fish, meat, and dairy products, ice production became a major industry in the northern states, and ice was shipped not only to the southern states but to the West Indies and South America. By 1880 the demand in New York City exceeded the capacity of 160 large commercial icehouses on the Hudson River. This industry reached its peak in 1886 when 25 million pounds were “harvested” by cutting lake and river ice with   Horse-drawn saws. The advent of mechanical refrigeration in the nineteenth century began a slow decline in the ice trade. The natural ice industr […]


Proper Ice Machine Cleaning and Maintenance

Very few end users fully understand the importance of properly cleaning and sanitizing their ice machines, storage bins, and dispensers. Many don’t even view ice as a food commodity. Yet the quality and safety of every beverage they serve as well as the longevity and power consumption of their equipment depend on the proper maintenance of this equipment. Adding to the problem is that some contractors and technicians may not realize the importance of how to properly perform this task and how to help customers maintain the quality of ice that is being consumed. Many rushes through ice machine cleaning and sanitizing using untrained, entry-level personnel to minimize the cost to their customers. In reality, they are doing their customers a disservice by not being effective at eliminating bacterial growth and scale deposits. Here are some tips that can help your company do a thorough job when cleaning this equipment and help ensure your cus […]


Chinese new year’s vacation

Focusun wishes everyone a Happy Chinese New Year!Our Spring Festival holiday is from 26th January to 2nd February. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to enquiry@focusun.com. Our salesman will contact you once they are back to work.


Compressor Checkup Tips

1. General inspection of the compressor. Check compressor shell, piping connections and mounting. To start, check the compressor for discoloration on the head and by the discharge line. This can indicate that the compressor is experiencing excessively high discharge temperatures. If you see blistered paint or a brownish tinge, make note of it. Observe the mounting grommets and make sure they are not split or missing chunks. Ensure the fastening bolts are all present and not loose. On tandem compressor arrangements, make sure the assembly is mounted as per the manufacturer’s requirements or excessive vibration can occur. Look for oil around the piping connections and below the compressor which can indicate a leak. 2. Electrical connections. Check the electrical connectors to ensure that they are tight with no free play. Loose connectors can cause poor voltage resulting in overheating of the connectors and motor. Look for discoloration of […]


Determining Proper Cooling Tower Size

To maximize cooling tower benefits, the appropriate tower size must be selected Cooling towers are a relatively inexpensive and reliable way of expelling heat from a number of industrial and commercial processes, including nuclear & thermal power plants, petroleum refineries, petrochemical plants, food processing plants, as well as commercial HVAC systems. As the worldwide market for these applications continues to grow, so does the need to address the issue: How large should a cooling tower be to efficiently handle a specific application. “There are a lot of different applications where you certainly don’t want an undersized cooling tower,” said John Flaherty, president of Delta Cooling Towers. Delta manufactures a line of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) engineered plastic tower models. “For example, if an undersized cooling tower is not producing cold enough water to cool the condenser loop of an office building’s HVAC chiller, t […]


We are on Hoiliday from Oct. 1st to 7th !

Dear my friends and visitors, October 1st is our National Day. We will enjoy our National Day holiday from Oct. 1st to 7th and be in office from Oct. 8th.  During the holiday, you can just send us your inquiry to sales@focusun.com. We will reply to you once we come back to work. Thank you for your comprehension! Happy everyday!   Focusun Refrigeration (Shanghai) Corporation is one of the world’s leading and your top address in manufacturing ice machines with over 80 years’ worth of rich and proud history and experience. Focusun manufactures, supplies and markets a comprehensive range of cooling solution products with excellent German technology, reliable quality and premium services. This is why we have gained the confidence of clients and partners by enriching their lifestyles with brilliant innovative ice making technology approved all around the globe.    


Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Market to Surge to $61.44 Billion by 2021

The global commercial refrigeration equipment market was valued at $36.63 billion in 2015, and is expected to generate revenue of $61.44 billion by the end of 2021, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of slightly over 9 percent between 2016 and 2021, according to a report from Zion Market Research. The report notes that commercial refrigeration equipment is mainly used for food and beverage storage and merchandising purposes by the food wholesale industry, such as supermarkets, specialty food stores, grocery stores, and convenience stores. It is also used in restaurants and cafeterias. Some of the different types of commercial refrigeration units include reach-in refrigerators and freezers, walk-in refrigerators and freezers, undercounter refrigerators, refrigerated merchandisers, and bar refrigeration. The global commercial refrigeration equipment market is being primarily driven by the rising number of hypermarkets, specia […]

Contacts & Support

Focusun Refrigeration Corporation
Room 603, Baohong Center
No. 7755 Zhongchun Rd
Shanghai CHINA
ZipCode: 201100

Tel: +86-21-5108 9946
Fax: +86-21-5227 2259
Email: enquiry@focusun.com

Sales: sales@focusun.com
Marketing: marketing@focusun.com
Press: press@focusun.com

Newsletter: newsletter@focusun.com