
Snow Flake Machine: The Essential Tool for Cooling Summer Days

In the scorching summer, chilled beverages become the top choice for seeking refreshment. At this time, the snow flake machine becomes the weapon of choice for many businesses and households. Not only can it produce finely textured, refreshing snow flake ice, but it also adds beauty and texture to beverages. The snow flake machine is a device that produces extremely thin ice flakes by turning water or juice into a slushy mixture similar to snowflakes. Its working principle involves high-speed rotating blades that shave ice cubes or ice block mixtures into extremely fine ice flakes, resulting in a light and soft texture. Snow flake machines have wide-ranging applications in both commercial and household settings. In commercial establishments such as coffee shops, beverage shops, dessert parlors, etc., snow flake machines are often used to make various snow-capped drinks, slushies, chilled beverages, etc., providing customers with cool en […]


High-efficiency Chiller Creates A Cool Workshop Environment

As summer approaches, high temperatures and intense heat have become a major challenge for many workshops and companies. In such an environment, how to create a comfortable and cool working environment for employees and improve work efficiency has become an issue that every business manager must consider. At this time, high-efficiency chillers become the ideal choice to solve this problem. As a professional refrigeration equipment, the working principle of the chiller is to transport cold water to the place that needs to be cooled through the circulation refrigeration system. Through the heat exchange between water and air, the heat in the workshop is taken away to achieve the cooling effect. . Compared with traditional fans and air conditioners, chillers have higher cooling efficiency and lower energy consumption, and are especially suitable for large-area, high-load cooling needs such as workshops. There are many advantages to using a […]


Vacuum Pre-cooling Machine: A Powerful Tool For Efficient Cooling

With the continuous advancement of science and technology, various efficient and energy-saving cooling equipment have gradually entered people’s field of vision. Among them, the vacuum precooling machine, with its unique vacuum precooling technology, has shown wide application prospects in agricultural products, food processing and other fields. This article will introduce in detail the working principle, application industry, advantages and disadvantages and future development of vacuum precooling machine, in order to provide readers with a comprehensive and in-depth understanding. 1. Working principle of vacuum precooling machine The vacuum precooling machine uses vacuum precooling technology to reduce the air pressure by extracting air and water vapor from the vacuum tank, thereby achieving rapid cooling of objects. In a low pressure environment, the boiling point of water decreases and the latent heat of evaporation increases, […]


Tube Ice Machine – Innovative Technology Leads The Cold Chain Industry

In the modern cold chain industry, tube ice machines are undoubtedly a key technology, providing reliable solutions to the refrigeration needs in the fields of food, medicine, and chemicals. As an efficient and energy-saving refrigeration equipment, the tube ice machine makes a positive contribution to the environmental load while maintaining product freshness and quality. This article will deeply explore the working principle, application fields and future development trends of tube ice machines. The tube ice machine is a device that uses cooling medium to circulate in the pipeline. Its basic working principle is similar to traditional refrigeration systems, but with higher efficiency and lower energy consumption. The low-temperature refrigerant is compressed into high-temperature and high-pressure gas through the compressor, and then cooled into a liquid through the condenser, and then cooled and decompressed through the expansion val […]


Plate Ice Machine: Innovation and Application of Refrigeration Technology

在现代冷链行业中,管冰机无疑是一项关键技术,为食品、医药和化工等领域的冷藏需求提供了可靠的解决方案。管冰机作为一种高效、节能的冷冻设备,在保持产品新鲜度和质量的同时,也对环境负荷做出了积极的贡献。本文将深入探讨管冰机的工作原理、应用领域以及未来发展趋势。 管冰机是一种利用冷却介质在管道内循环流动的设备。其基本工作原理类似于传统的制冷系统,但具有更高的效率和更低的能耗。通过压缩机将低温制冷剂压缩成高温高压气体,然后通过冷凝器使其冷却成液体,再通过膨胀阀降温和降压,最终进入蒸发器,在管道内循环流动,吸收热量并使管道表面结冰,从而实现冷藏效果。 管冰机在各个领域都有广泛的应用,主要包括以下几个方面: 食品冷藏:管冰机广泛应用于食品加工和存储行业,如冷冻肉类、水产品、果蔬等。其稳定的温度控制和高效的冷却能力,保证了食品的新鲜度和品质。 医药保鲜:在医药行业,管冰机被用于冷藏药品和生物制品,确保其在整个供应链中的稳定温度和质量。 化工工业:在化工领域,管冰机常用于冷却反应器和保持化学物质的稳定性。 超市冷藏展示:管冰机还被广泛应用于超市和商场的冷藏展示柜中,展示各种冷冻食品和冷饮。 随着科技的不断进步和环保意识的增强,管冰机在未来将呈现出以下几个发展趋势: 节能减排:未来的管冰机将更加注重节能减排,采用更环保的冷媒和高效的制冷技术,降低能耗和碳排放。 智能化管理:随着物联网和人工智能技术的发展,管冰机将实现远程监控和智能化管理,提高运行效率和故障预警能力。 多功能集成:未来的管冰机可能会与其他设备集成,实现多功能化,如冷热联合供应、热回收利用等,提高资源利用效率。 生物冷冻技术:随着生物技术的发展,管冰机将在生物冷冻领域发挥更重要的作用,为生物样本的冷藏和运输提供更可靠的解决方案。 综上所述,管冰机作为冷链行业的重要技术装备,不断推动着行业的发展和进步。未来随着科技的不断创新和应用场景的扩大,管冰机将继续发挥着重要的作用,为社会经济发展和人类生活提供更加可靠、高效的冷藏解决方案。


Ice Sheet Machine: Excellent Refrigeration Efficiency and Widespread Application

In modern society, refrigeration equipment has become an indispensable part of various industries. Among them, the ice flake machine, as an efficient and convenient refrigeration device, is highly regarded in many industries due to its exceptional cooling effect and widespread application areas. Especially in the field of seafood processing, the ice flake machine plays an irreplaceable role. Firstly, the ice flake machine is renowned for its outstanding cooling effect. Compared to traditional ice cubes, the ice flakes produced by the machine have a larger surface area, enabling them to absorb and dissipate heat more quickly. This means that within the same period of time, the ice flake machine can effectively lower the ambient temperature, providing a more suitable preservation environment for seafood. Additionally, the ice flake machine’s cooling effect is uniform and long-lasting, maintaining a low temperature for extended perio […]


Highly Efficient Direct Cooling Block Ice Machine

In modern life, refrigeration technology is increasingly becoming an indispensable part of people’s lives. As a high-efficiency refrigeration equipment, the direct cooling block ice machine can not only meet people’s cooling needs, but also has the advantages of energy saving and environmental protection. The following editor will discuss in depth the characteristics of the direct cooling block ice machine and its importance in daily life from the aspects of working principle, structural design and application scenarios. Direct cooling block ice machine is a device that adopts the principle of mechanical compression cycle refrigeration. It mainly consists of four main components: compressor, condenser, expansion valve and evaporator. When the block ice machine starts running, the compressor will suck in low-temperature and low-pressure steam, and then increase its temperature and pressure through compression. Then, the high- […]


Ice Machine With Great Potential – Slurry Ice Machine

With the rapid advancements in refrigeration technology, slurry ice machines are gradually emerging as a new benchmark in the refrigeration industry due to their exceptional cooling effects and wide range of applications. This innovative ice-making machine not only exhibits superior cooling performance but is also suitable for various settings such as seafood preservation, food processing, medical refrigeration, and many other industries, providing efficient and reliable refrigeration solutions. Utilizing advanced refrigeration technology, slurry ice machines precisely control the refrigeration process to rapidly transform liquid water into tiny ice crystal particles, creating slurry ice. This unique ice form offers remarkable cooling effects and fluidity. Compared to traditional ice cubes, slurry ice can penetrate the interior of cooled objects more quickly, achieving rapid and uniform temperature reduction. Additionally, its delicate […]


Direct Cooling Block Ice Machine

Direct cooling block ice machine, as a shining pearl in modern refrigeration technology, plays an irreplaceable role in many fields with its efficient, stable and reliable performance. This article will provide an in-depth explanation of the working principle of the direct cooling block ice machine and explore its wide range of application scenarios. The direct cooling block ice machine adopts a direct cooling refrigeration system, which uses the refrigerant to absorb heat in the evaporator to achieve a cooling effect. Its working principle is relatively simple but efficient, and mainly includes the steps of refrigerant circulation, evaporator cooling, ice forming and demoulding. The refrigerant circulates under the action of the compressor and absorbs heat from the environment when passing through the evaporator, causing the surface temperature of the evaporator to decrease. At the same time, the water source is evenly distributed on t […]


Vacuum precoolers: revolutionary equipment for the agricultural and food processing industries

In today’s fast-paced life, food preservation is a topic of great concern. As an important technology in the field of food preservation, vacuum precooling machine is widely used in the processing of fruits, vegetables, flowers and cooked foods. This article will delve into the application and significance of vacuum precoolers. Vacuum precooling machine is a device that uses a vacuum environment for cooling processing. The principle is to place the food or other items being processed in a vacuum state and use reduced pressure to quickly evaporate the water on the surface to achieve rapid cooling. Vacuum precooling machines can be divided into fruit, vegetable and flower vacuum precooling machines and cooked food vacuum precooling machines according to different needs. Vacuum pre-cooling machine for fruits, vegetables and flowers. In the fruit, vegetable and flower industry, maintaining the freshness and quality of products is cruci […]

Contacts & Support

Focusun Refrigeration Corporation
Room 603, Baohong Center
No. 7755 Zhongchun Rd
Shanghai CHINA
ZipCode: 201100

Tel: +86-21-5108 9946
Fax: +86-21-5227 2259

